Picking Up the Pieces

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Dedication: I would like to dedicate this chapter to @X_ItsSoFluffy_X for this nice picture above. It's a very cute representation that reminds me of Ike and Avril. I really do love this picture, so thank you a ton.

A Great Big World - Say Something

"So you never told me what you and Azule were talking about under that tree?" My teasing tone drifted in the humid air while Ivy and I watched from the sidelines as once again the men and women joined back up the next morning for another go at 'mating'.

As the days have gone by, the excitement between the warriors have worn off but there was now a pleasant comfortableness that could be easily seen between the mating pairs. It was intriguing to say the least how the coldest of warriors had warmed up over the last couple of days.

At my words, Ivy's head whipped to me and her silver eyes widened in alarm. "Ho-How do you know that?"

A smirk crawled along my face. "Well it was kind of in the open."

Ivy blanched. "I-I was si-simply just giving him directions to-to."

I pursed my lips and stared at her with as much skepticism as I could. "Where? The direction to those lips of yours?" I bit back a grin at Ivy's sigh of defeat. "You know you shouldn't lie to me. I'm your friend and I see right through it."

"Okay fine." Ivy's eyes stealthily scanned the area making sure no one was in hearing range. They weren't, not even by far. I didn't point out that fact though and allowed Ivy to get as comfortable as she could. "Azule came up and start talking to me. He told me I was very pretty...I had never heard that before. Me? Pretty?"

My mouth dropped. The simplest compliment awed Ivy. "Ivy you're gorgeous. No one has ever told you that?"

She shrugged. "Annoying, yes. Pathetic, yes. A waste of space, yes."

"These warriors are bitches." I muttered in disgust at the way they treated her and the few fairies I had seen but not really spoken to. The few fairies here actually worked to keep the village in order. Without them, the village would be in chaos filled with women duking it out over the pettiest things and acting like wild animals.

But just like the forgiving person Ivy was, she just gave another small shrug. "That's just how they are. Warriors have to be tough. If you're not, they swallow you up. Weakness is a poison that they fill must be extinguished as quick as possible to prevent spreading."

I shook my head at her train of thoughts which included her believing that she was picked on because she was somehow a weak link in the eyes of the warriors. "They're mean to you because Alem treats you like his daughter."

A pensive expression shadowed her soft features."But I'm not. My parents are dead and have been for a long time. "

"What happened to them...if you don't mind me asking."

She shrugged. "They both died. My parents were both warriors. Usually when a fairy is born, the mother dies during child birth because of the magnitude of power the baby has. Sometimes the mother lives, but it's not that often. My father was killed in battle a few months before my birth, I was told."

"I'm sorry Ivy." I whispered understanding the feeling of lost that came with not having your parents in your life. For years, I had wandered through life feeling lost. I would look into the mirror some days wondering was my eye color my mom's or my dad's or wondering was it my mother who had untamable browns strands like myself or was it my father. Certain personality traits I would pick and then wonder was this due to nature or nurture, did my genes create this characteristic about myself or did my environment? For years, I had questioned every fiber of my being wondering about who my parents were. Nowadays, I understood myself better because my father was in my life, but despite meeting my mom once, I still felt like I really didn't know or understand her. A part of my heart was still hollow and empty waiting to be filled by a mother's genuine love.

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