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More and more creatures crept along the perimeters of our group as we were herded along. Warily, my eyes scanned the crowd, making eye contact with quite a few of the aliens despite the fact that the blue horned creature's tight grip pushed me quickly along. There was an intrigued cautiousness that permeated the space around the aliens. Locking onto numerous eyes, and every now and then one would look at me as if they recognized me. Oddly, I even got a few smiles that were filled with something akin to gratitude.

We entered another labyrinth of pathways and the crowds dissipated and we were once again enclosed in a dimly lit tunnel with the color transitioning veins lighting the way. The sound of the aliens' voices and activities became a distant noise the further we traveled. With a blue creature on either side of me, I cautiously glanced back at Ike only to see his eyes keenly observing his surroundings. There was an alien on either side of him and two behind him, all casting glances at him like they were preparing to tackle him if he made one wrong move. Slowly turning my attention back to the front, Aeon and Nydale walked ahead of me. With only one alien walking next to them, I figured the rest assumed they would not need extra supervision since they didn't cause a scene and were both holding an unconscious girl.

The lighting changed suddenly and my eyes switched from their walking figures to ahead, only to see a bright light in the distance. Like a light at the end of the tunnel, we quietly followed it, the roots crawling along the walls of the tunnel seeming to get brighter and brighter as we got closer. I casted a surreptitious eye to one the aliens walking next us only to lock eyes with him. His eyes narrowed at me and trying to act like I wasn't scared of the approaching unknown, I simply scowled at him and turned forward.

Reaching the end, we made a sharp left and my footing stopped taking in the scenery of the cave tavern. In front of me stood an open space of pure undiluted beauty. There was almost a golden tint to the air as light from some above invisible force glimmered down into the expanse. The sound of slow rushing water caused my attention to wane and focus on the waterfall flowing in the background. The rose-gold colored water seemingly fell from the sky hitting opaque, red rocks with streaks of dark gold splashed against them. The falling water hit the rocks situated behind it and then pooled downwards creating a small pale pinkish with golden undertones that met white sand at the shore. I stepped further into the area, forgetting about the aliens who had now stepped back, and noted that the sand's other border was outlined with green grass. I sucked in a small breath seeing the life force and noting the similarities between Earth. The similarities almost making me mist the blue and green planet. Looking at the greenery, I now knew that if this planet wasn't deteriorating at its seams, the green would be abundant and freely flowing across the land. My eyes next flickered to the pulsing colored roots outlining the walls, the hanging gray stalactites and soda straws that hung from the cavern ceilings with greenery wrapped around their columns.

"Beautiful isn't it?" A voice dragged out the words pointedly and slowly in a voice that I could only describe between a mixture of sultriness and pure radiating confidence breaking me from my gawking.

My eyes turned to take in the alien creature standing off to the side. Uniquely beautiful were my first thoughts as I took it in.

Its nose was snubbed and the black lips were full and pursed curiously. Eyes that were wide took up a good portion of the heart-shaped face, yet they slanted inwards to its nose and grew larger as it went outwards giving the appearance that it had adored its eyes with a deep, blue eyeliner and thick wing to match. Its skin had to be the most beautiful feature about it. It looked smooth as butter and was a deep, almost midnight blue. A range of different hues of blue were deftly dotted along the side of its face, reminding me of blue freckles, that traveled down to its neck and disappeared into the gray tunic like dress it had on. While the other side of its face had intricate swirls, in the same various shades of the blue dots pebbling its dark skin. Just like the dots, the traveling vines of blue moved downwards across its neck and vanished into the dress. Its ears were pointed and had stones embedded into them. Her hair was black and wild as it descended down the exposed back due to the design of the outfit. Some of it clumped together while other sections were tied every couple of inches with some type of holder. Gems, that matched the ones in her ears, speckled the mass of hair almost making it gleam.

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