I'm Only Nobellian

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Song: Christina Perri - Human << Great song for Avril right now.

It had been two days. Two days of my friends (I use that term loosely) trying to talk to me and me skirting them and avoiding them to perfection. It's been two days of Teelah shooting me secretive venomous looks. Her looks had dimmed though with each day as Ike had completely shut her out. She would try to speak to him, he would get up and leave without sparing her a glance. She would try to touch him, he would fiercely glower at her and non-verbally be daring her to touch him and see what would happen. She had even faked a fall once right in front of Ike, like she was part of the scenery he stepped right over her. Now that one was harsh.

That only days ago would have satisfied me, but now I could care less if he shut her out or not. It wasn't him shutting her out that I had really need, I realized. It was him, as my kindred spirit, my man, my other half, having my back and believing me when no one else would. And he had ultimately failed.

So now two days later, we were in the forest. The same forest that we had all outrun that crazed giant as a seemingly unbreakable unit. Nostalgia filled me thinking of the first day of landing here. We had all been one and so together. Despite what was going on back at our home planet, we had all been willing to unify and work together for one common person. Now everything was off. I wasn't talking to them. I wasn't talking to Ike. I seemed like the odd piece out. The one that didn't quite belong. Even between my friends, the tensions were high and they all seemed to be moody.

Silence enveloped our group as we slowly roamed through forest. We were now in enemy lands, I could tell by the way Alem's and Ivy's posture both seemed to be rigidly alert. Alem had warned us beforehand that being too loud would alert the enemy tribe to our presence so we all mutely moved through the dense purple foliage. As if sensing how delicate our situation was, not even the Yatherian creatures made a sound. There was no loud squawking, deep whistles, not even the high pitched clicking that many of the insects did.

Usually, the thought of an actual fight would have actually excited me, but today I felt tired. I felt drained. I didn't have a lot of fight in me today, and all I really wanted to do was lay in my bed and go to sleep.

But something had pushed me to go with the group. Something that I didn't know, but something in my mind told me to trail along. So deciding to just listen, I followed.

Luckily for my fatigue, Alem had brought about fifteen warriors who were sort of like body guards. I had no idea why he would bring so many, but he had and a part of me was thankful. Fifteen warriors should be enough to fend off an attack.

The breeze blew through the trees gently raining down lavender leaves and brining a mixture of lavender and piney scent after it. Ivy, who quietly walked besides me, stopped and picked up a leaf. Showing it to me, she first presented the underbelly of the leaf which was a darkened purple and then the top of the leaf. The top was a light lavender that seemed to pulse with light as her fingers touched the waxy top layer.

My eyebrows furrowed not understanding her meaning, but she simply shook her head in dismissal at my confusion. She let it drop to the floor and slowly began to walk forward. Early on she had told me that flying made her wings overly bright. To not risk exposure to the enemy, she had chosen to walk like the rest of us. Now her wings were a dim blue, when the sunlight would pierce through gaps in between the trees and hit her wings, the wings would look like glimmers of sparkling, blue light were falling to the forest floor.

Letting out a tiny sigh, I eased over a fallen tree and glanced around the group. The warriors all encircled our group, but Nydale and Aeon took up the front. Both of their arms were crossed tensely and neither spoke. Behind them walked Ike with Teelah trailing after him, he ignored her presence and the blatant sorrow on her face was obvious. Possessiveness and an urge to drop kick her in the back of the head washed over me, but I quickly evaporated both urges. Behind Ivy and I, walked Kaiya and Mist followed by Alem. Frigid walls surrounded each of our members in our group because everyone seemed to be stuck in their own little world.

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