Free Falling Pt. 2

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The screams of my friends churned with terror and an overwhelming amount of fear echoed in the still sky followed by the quick whooshing sound of air whistling in my ears.

For a few seconds, I did nothing. I couldn't do anything.

The shock of the situation rendered me immobile. The first second my body froze feeling like the warm blood running through my veins had suddenly halted only to be replaced by chilling shards of ice.

The next second my mind went blank all thoughts ceasing to exist.

Then the third second it all hit me and everything came rushing back at me full force, like a hit straight at the chest.





All slammed into me like a freight train simultaneously breaking me from my paralyzed, immobile state.

My body abruptly awoke and my limbs started flailing with purpose as somehow I managed to turn my body around so now instead of facing the distancing yellow sky, I was now peering at the closely approaching ground.

Brown hair fluttering around me like a broken parachute, I let out a scream as the ground got closer and closer and the cliff side continued to zip past me.

I never would have thought that Alem would push me off the cliff.

I never would have thought that he would try to spike my emotions like this.

As I descended downwards with my friends horrified screams above me, I waited for the tell-tale sign that my powers would amplify as the ground grew nearer and my emotions grew more intense and reckless, but it never came.

My brain was blank, too consumed with every frightening sensation that seemed to work against my powers awakening. The emotions still rushed through me, seeming to fill every pore and cell with my reckless abandonment, but I wasn't reacting. My powers weren't coming.

All too suddenly, I realized that no, emotions were not my trigger.

They couldn't be my trigger!

Because as I descended, the adrenaline didn't break down the barrier to my walls. I didn't feel the prickling sensation of my magic rushing through me like a breath of fresh air, I didn't feel the impending power flowing through me and making me feel unstoppable, and I definitely didn't feel at all fearless.

With that realization, the fear swirled through me with vengeance as I realized that this was a dud and I was only seconds from death. Alem had pushed me off to trigger me, but what he had really did was sent me to my doom.

Mind shut off, I had no idea what to do to save myself. I couldn't get one logical thought to process as I fell, arms now out by my side trying to slow the impending doom.

I gritted my teeth, air slapping me in the face as I realized I was only a little away from the ground.

It was at that moment, I realized I was going to die. The thought rushed through my mind and then filtered through my body like a calming wave as I came to the epiphany that it was over.

I was done for.

I was going to die, plain and simple.

My entire body would splatter and be flattened like a pancake, and I didn't even get to take back the Ball of Tranquility. I didn't get to meet my mother one last time, and I surely didn't get to say goodbye to Ike.

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