His Punishment

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Song: The Verve- Bitter Sweet Symphony

Recap: Avril has been captured and introduced to two servants, Niet and Marjani in a grand palace. However, instead of prisoner treatment she expected, she's is treated oddly well. Avril is also introduced to the Dynoat leader. After witnessing the leader kill the Dynoat who hurt her when she was captured, the leader orders her to wear a collar. Insulted, Avril refuses, but oddly regrets it when he does not put up a fight but seems pleased by her disobedience and promises punishment.

"You messed up." Were the first words said to me as Niet stuck a finger in the water to test its warmth.

I had told them that I was completely capable of running water to wash up myself, but they had vehemently disagreed and said they would be punished if they didn't. Apparently, they were at my beck and call. I finally budged and stopped arguing with Niet when Marjani broke down into tears, begging me to just allow them this. They apparently had to report every task they did for me. Based on how much they did, they would either be okay or receive punishment.

Watching Marjani sob her soul out had me realize I was striking at the wrong people. They were not the enemy and were only trying to follow orders to survive. I wanted to be alone to think and wallow in my own self-pity at the conundrum I had gotten myself into, but knew taking my feelings out on them wouldn't solve anything.

"What do you think is going to happen with me? What do you think he wants from me?" I couldn't hide the fact that his words had instilled a little fear in me. All of sudden I was reminded that I was on his playing field and his words could all be lies. Maybe I would be the next one who would be devoured by the acidic springs or the next experiment on the lab table.

At my questions, Niet and Marjani both did that annoying thing where they would glance at one another, both knowing the answer to my questions, but choosing not to tell me.

"Can you guys stop doing that to me!" I hissed throwing my hands in the air. "If you guys know something, just tell me! I thought you guys were supposed to be my servants. Are you guys supposed to help me or not?"

Marjani sighed softly picking at her hair, tentacle strands of hair gripped small colorful orbs. Like they had a mind of their own, a tentacle holding released its grip and a yellow orb dropped it into the bathwater and bubbles began forming while she laid down a thick cloth, which I assumed was a towel.

"Listen, we would like to tell you stuff. But we also must save ourselves too. You're asking questions that we may know, but we can't tell you because we could be the next one getting punished. Unlike with you, we will be physically hurt."

My shoulders drooped knowing the truth to their words. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize but to be honest you guys don't know if he'll hurt me or not." Their words gave me a sense of comfort, giving me the false illusion that I was almost untouchable and would find a way out of this.

"Well after your conversation, you're still alive and here so that gives us all the information we need to know on if you'll be hurt physically or not. He doesn't handle disrespect. He makes examples out of people, and usually the people he makes examples out of don't live to tell their story. But to help you a little bit." Niet began. "Like I just said, he won't hurt you physically. However, if he has leverage against you, he'll use it."

"Niet!" Marjani hissed sourly.

"What! Come on, can you blame the poor girl! If someone was there to help me when I first came here, I would have been thankful." Niet defended herself, her whiskers bristled angrily. "We only get in trouble if you run your mouth! Will you run your mouth Miss. I-revere-the-ground-my-conqueror-walks-on? We only report our duties, we don't report our conversations. For all he knows we could be talking about eyelashes and toenails."

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