You're Stronger

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Song: Mike Posner - Be As you Are

"Avril please calm down!" Ivy yelled following me as I charged through the forest.

Her wary plea was ignored as I slammed my foot into an unsuspecting tree trunk and then quickly followed it with my fist. Pain blared to life against my fist, but the pain was dissolved as anger boiled away any other emotion.

With a fury filled roared, I closed my eyes and screamed my frustrations to the sky.

Loud, alarmed squawks from a nearby tree alerted me to a flock of birds that flew out of the tree like bats out of hell and away from us.

Mutely, feeling my emotions simmering down, I watched gray and green speckled feathers float down from the canopy of trees that the large birds had just been resting in.

"Oh my gosh." Ivy gasped from behind me while I continued to watch the feathers swim to the forest ground, a temporary wariness clouding over my anger as I realized once again my powers and emotions got the better of me.

"Y-you th-they exploded. The birds, two of them exploded! Completely disintegrated!" Ivy's words were a mix of awe, astonishment, and slight fear as she eyed me.

Before I could react she was in front of me. Her hands gently grasped my face. The coolness of her skin was such a contrast to my heated skin. Eyes wide, she stared into mine. "Wh-what are you? I've never seen your powers, never even read about them before." With a deep concentration, she stared into my eyes as if believing by staring me down like some creep would magically make the answer float on my forehead. I didn't say anything and puffed out a breath through my nose, practically feeling my body shaking as my emotions surged once more. "Avril, you need to calm down. Did you just not see what your anger did? And look at your fist!"

I glanced down to see that the fist I had threw at the tree was in fact busted and bleeding teal. The blood dripping down my hand and the still, speckled feathers piled on the forest ground seemed to be just the right catalyst to cap off my rage.

Shaking off my hand, in a sad attempt to ward off some of the blooming pain, I ran my other hand through my slowly drying hair. In a matter of minutes my sorrow and disbelief had turned into a blind rage after I escaped into the forest. Seeing red, I had pushed away from Ivy and stormed deeper into the forest not knowing where I was going but wanting to put as much space as I could between me and those people.

A part of me realized that maybe I had been trying to walk off the dejection and betrayal at having my friends turn on me and not believe me.

I knew I couldn't blame everything on them though. The main culprit was Teelah. I had severely underestimated her. She was the silent but deadly type. And rather she knew it or not, she had turned our group upside down. Everything felt broken and tarnished. And how could we all unite and fight the one evil, when we were all broken up....or more like everyone seemed to dislike me at the moment.

At the thought of the events that had just happened, my eyes watered and I quickly blinked back the tears.

No. I wouldn't crumble. I wouldn't crumble, not like last time. I wouldn't fall into myself nor go through a horrible state of depression because everyone that I had cared for had turned their backs on me.

Sorrow, pain, and anger seemed to be the only emotions I could feel at this moment.

"Selene," I hissed through gritted teeth, sniffing. "Everything is turning to shit and I don't know what to do." Fingers shaking, literally feeling like I was about to go Hulk at the suppressed fury running through my veins yet break down and fall into some black oblivion all at the same time. I bit my lip so hard trying to hold back tears that I could practically taste blood.

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