Signs of a Trigger Part Two

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Song: Childish Gambino - 3005 (This song will never get old to me.)

The moment I opened my eyes I was greeted by a glaring Mist with disapproval exuding off of her in waves as her narrowed eyes stared me down.

Smiling innocently, I blinked. "Hi."

"You're stupid." Mist huffed.

I groaned lowly rolling my eyes. Like I haven't heard that before. "Well that's such a nice thing to say to a girl who is waking up from unconsciousness."

Mist scoffed and crossed her arms. By the way her brown eyes narrowed even harder, I could tell she was really pushing the I'm-upset-look. "It's your own fault! I tell you constantly not to overexert yourself."

I turned over onto my side and propped my head on my closed fist. "What was I suppose to do? Ivy was hurt and Ike was about to be giant food. I had to do something."

"Not overexert yourself maybe. It's bad for your body! You're going to kill yourself one of these days. And then what am I going to do without you?" Her voice broke, and I didn't even have to look at her to know she was tearing up.

I groaned lowly. While I was getting better at handling emotions, I wasn't that good in which I wanted to cheer up a sniveling Mist when I had passed out not too long ago. I just wanted to relax.

However, pushing down the small annoyance, my hands found her's and genuine orbs gazed into her misty ones. "Relax Mist. As long as you're around. I'll be around. I fuck shit up, you heal the shit up. Bada boom, bada bam." I smirked at her hoping it would cheer her up, but it didn't. She only wiped tears away with a balled fist and looked at me sadly.

"Mist stop crying." My tone took on a begging edge, seeing the fat tears slid down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry, it's just you're like the older sister I never had so I can't lose you."

My chest squeezed at her heartwarming confession. I pushed myself up and leveled my serious stare with her so she knew my words held full truth."I'm not going anywhere, so stop thinking that way."

Nodding weakly after a few seconds of studying my unwavering facial expression, she sat on the bed and threw her arms around. "My biggest fear is that you'll be hurt, and I won't be able to heal you. I'm scared my powers won't be enough." She whispered, sniffing once more.

I hugged her tighter hearing the childlike fear in her tone. This was something new for Mist. Even when she cried, she always seemed to have some small amount of determined strength shinning from her like an aurora but never had I seen Mist look so scared.

"Mist that won't ever happen. Okay?" I deadpanned softly wanting to stop her sniffling and reassure her at the same time.

As if my words had the effect I need, she nodded and pulled back, wiping away her tears with her thumbs. "I'm such a baby."

"I know."

"Av." She whined at my bluntness but chuckled along with me.

Abruptly the door open, and our moment was broken.

Ivy fluttered in, wings healed and looking all lively again. The agony filled aurora was gone and she looked just like her usual self, peppy and full of energy. The relief was instant on both her and my face at seeing each other.

She sprung forward, abruptly stopping in front of me like she didn't know rather she could hug me or not. The way she acted sometimes was like she didn't know how to be affectionate. "Oh Avril! Thank goodness you're awake. I can't thank you enough for saving me, saving us."

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