The Good, The Bad, and The Disaster

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Song: Alina Baraz featuring Khalid - Electric

Refresh: Avril has stood up against Othana and has managed to sway the loyalty of the cave dwellers for her advantage to help fight against the Dynoats. Ike and Avril have officially conjoined.

The morning light shimmered through the gaps in between the tunnel's ceiling. As I slowly opened my eyes, I couldn't decide whether it was the harsh sun's light or the gentle buzzing swimming through my system that woke me from a restful sleep.

Turning my head, my eyes connected with Ike's. "Hi." A lazy grin swept across my face as I laid on my stomach with a cloth draped over my still naked body.

With his head propped against his fisted hand, Ike mirrored my expression seeming the most carefree that I had seen him in a long time. "Hi." I glanced away from his stare suddenly feeling very shy, especially as his eyes swept along the contours of my body despite the cloth that covered it partially. "Did you sleep well?"

Stretching out my body feeling delightfully achy, I nodded. "It's the best sleep I feel like I've had in a while. How long have you been up?"

Ike shrugged, breaking eye contact with me and looking past me to the water. "Not too long." He cleared his throat as my scrutinizing eyes stared him down. "We should probably wash up."

I groaned. "I don't feel like it, I'm sore how about you carry me." A part of me was lying. I wasn't nearly as sore as I should be after the night Ike and I had and I could only thank the bond for that. In fact, I felt sated but merely used that excuse to get closer to Ike and to well...hello not walk. Why walk when you could have your kindred spirit just carry you around.

"I thought you said the bond would help with that." Ike abruptly said, a guilty expression passing over his face. "If I knew you would be too sore to walk then I never would have allowed us to go at it so many times after the first and if I knew-"

"Ike!" I blurted, cutting off his nervous rant eyes wide at how affected he seemed by my pain. I mean don't get me wrong. Ike normally was naturally wary about me being in pain, but the little mini frenzy he just went into shocked the hell out of me. "I'm okay, I just didn't feel like walking."

Ike's tense shoulders deflated with relief and he shook his head at me with a small smile before standing up and briskly swooping me in his arm. A small bubble of laughter exited my mouth at his actions as he carried me towards the small lake, my arms wrapped around his neck and one arm tucked under my knees while the other rested on my back.

"All you had to do was ask, Av, instead of giving me a heart attack." He let out a chuckle as the water met our body. Gently Ike sat me down and teasingly I slid down his body holding back my chuckle as his darkened.

My lust filled hazed was interrupted though when something sharp jabbed into my foot. I let out a tiny squawk while Ike jerked.

"Shit I felt that, what you step on?" Ike's worried eyes were planted on my feet and once again I found myself in his arms as one of his hands came to my foot to survey the damage.

His attention was on my foot, but mine was on his words.

"You felt my pain?" I blurted, watching Ike's confused eyes flicked to me.


"I stepped on a rock, yet you felt it. You can feel my pain?"

He eyed with pensively, before realization dawned on him. "It's a kindred spirit trait I believe. If I can feel your pain, you can feel my pain."

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