It Begins

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Song: Fray-Lost and Insecure

I didn't want to wake up. Eyes closed, practically clenched, I remained still listening for anything that should make me alert. My body was in fight mode, mentally preparing myself to hop off whatever comfortable thing I was laying and kicking ass like Jackie Chan.

Seconds ticked by and the longer I laid on the smooth, velvety surface that kissed my skin hearing nothing but the rush of blood in my ears and the pounding of my heart preparing for an ambush, the more I realized that nothing was going to happen.

Slowly, I opened my eyes. Black sheets were draped across my body as I laid on a circular bed. Black and dark gray patterned walls bordered the spacious room. Two lights lit the, otherwise, dark room creating eerie shapes in the shadows where the furniture stood. One light was directed at the bed, shining onto me like I was on stage, front and center, and everything else in the room was the audience, silently watching me. The second bright light shimmered on a large object on the far side of the room hidden by a dark cloth draped over it.


That was exactly how I felt. Everything was too calm, too quiet. Where were the monsters? Were they awaiting in the shadows to finish me off? Were they watching my every move in the protective darkness that outlined the room. Where were they?

Eyes skidding to every shadowy corner in the room, I picked up no hint of life. I glanced down at my body and noted that I was healed.

The gash in my hand that I had used to distract the Dynoats from Ike and my friends and instead chase me was healed. The lacerations and cuts that had littered my exposed skin from the treacherous forest and the epic battle were no longer there. Even the deep gashes I expected on my neck were nowhere to be seen.

It was almost like it had all been a dream, the attack and me splitting from Ike and friends. The longing I felt deep in my chest told me otherwise.

A large mirror embroidered by a black regal frame sat against the wall to my right next to a door. The rough material of the floor met my bare feet as I cautiously moved to the mirror and glanced at my reflection.

Just like I thought.

There were no bruises on my face. No swelling. No dried blood stains. My skin was smooth and blemished free like before, as if I hadn't been knocked unconscious.

I tried to suppress the shiver that ran down my spine as I moved to the door next to the mirror and allowed my hand to hover over the door pad, which would permit it to open. Taking a deep breath, I prepared for the worst as my hand met the pad and it flashed white.

The door swiped open and I was met by...a bathroom?


What the hell was going on? Where was I? Why wasn't I in some cell or being attacked?

I ran across the room and grabbed onto the dark gray curtains and quickly pushed them open. The darkened night behind the door panels greeted me almost tauntingly, and I grabbed the handles of the oval balcony doors and tried to open them, only to be met with resistance. They were locked.

I cursed to myself and saw a door that was almost unidentifiable blending into the wall. Quickly creeping across the floor, I pressed my hand down on the door panel to get it to open and the panel flashed blue. When it didn't open, I quickly realized blue meant I was denied.

Cursing, I ran my fingers frustratingly through my hair that was still tangled and unkempt trying to catch my bearings.

Okay, so I was in a new environment. I had no idea where I was, yet there were no cuffs on me and I wasn't in a cell. Instead, I was housed in an extremely luxurious bedroom, but the door was locked rendering me a prisoner. Despite the torn and delipidated appearance of my clothes, which were some black pants and a sleeveless black shirt, my banged-up body had somehow been healed.

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