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Oct 2022: This book is undergoing editing. Some concepts and the way I've explained things are outdated since I've grown as a witch. I will try not to remove too much and just add stuff, but if the content is really bad then some chapters might be changed completely. Thanks for your understanding, and apologies for any inconvenience caused. Feel free to check out my other works on my Wattpad profile!

This is my personal Book of Shadows. I'm putting it on Wattpad to keep it safe in case the worst happens, and I also don't see any harm in anyone else reading it. While it's probably much the same as any other BoS, I do also happen to be a dweller of the broom closet. This means that while also having the basic information of every BoS, it also has bonus tips and tricks to maintain a successful life in the broom closet.

The broom closet, for those who don't know, is much like an LGBTQ+'s "closet" except instead of hiding their sexuality, broom closet dwellers hide their magickal and occult practices.

A lot of BoS has heavy Wiccan influences, but I myself am not Wiccan. I love the religion, its concepts and practices, but I don't feel inside that I am "Wiccan". I don't really know what I am, but that's okay; finding yourself is a life-long journey. So far I can say for sure that I am an Omnist, and Pantheist. It's slightly different to being Eclectic, but it's similar if you have trouble understanding.

I've actually been brought up as a Christian, and for a while I was trying to find a way to unify Christianity, Wicca and teachings of other religions and philosophies. If you're undertaking a similar journey, just know that finding yourself takes a long time. Even after five years of trying to find who you are, it can feel like you've made mere baby steps.

I've been studying occult & new age practices for over 9 years, and I'm the priestess of an online coven known as "Raven's Grimoire". 

In August of 2019, I created a community on Reddit for broom closet witches, which you can find at

In May 2020, I created my own witchy YouTube channel for broom closet witches, Fraeya's Broom Closet. You can check it out here:

Here's my video on subtle things you can do in the broom closet:

I try my best to verify my sources of information and write with the most integrity and accuracy as possible. No one is perfect, though, so if you dispute any information I have written, please tell me, and list appropriate sources.

If you have any questions, please either comment on the part you're querying about, put a message on my message board, or email me at

While I recommend that you come out of the broom closet as soon as possible, I know that for some people it is impossible. The broom closet can be a lonely place, and I aim to help with that.

Farewell and blessed be!

Farewell and blessed be!

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First published: June 2018Last updated: Oct 2022

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First published: June 2018
Last updated: Oct 2022

The Book of Shadows of a Broom Closet Dweller *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now