Chapter 47: alexis the mystery

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I had all my stuff in my room now, Denise brought it over with Marshall yesterday which was good because I got to see them again. It was bittersweet saying goodbye, but I promised to see them soon. Actually they'll be coming for my birthday party. But today — today, Gabe woke me up at the crack of dawn and told me to get the fuck up for school. I hit him with a pillow but got up nonetheless because today's my first day back at Westbrooke where I'll stay to finish my junior year, and then return the following year as a senior.

        Yawning I got out of bed and went through my dresser in search of clothes but came up short. That's when I went into my closet and searched through all of my dresses until I came across another floral one that I got from Mads during sophomore year. I didn't wear this one either, not that it's a surprise dresses used to not be my thing. I continued grabbing what I planned to wear before going across the hall to the bathroom. I grabbed the knob turning it only for it to be locked. "Gabeeeeeee." I groaned, pounding on the door. "How long are you going to be?"

   "Give me ten minutes." He yells back. I sighed and retreated back to my room and dropped my things on the bed. I straightened my hair last night and I just wanted to rinse my body off in the shower. I grabbed my phone off my bed, I still use the one Cora gave me. Quickly, I texted the groupchat and told them that I was up.

     I layed back down after that and rested my eyes until Gabe came in my room with a towel wrapped around his waist and he told me I could go. I flew out of the bed and ran to the bathroom to shower.

     Once I was completely dressed in my dress, jean jacket and a pair of sandals I headed downstairs to see Bianca setting the table. I smiled at her and mumbled good morning before taking a seat. Daisy was up already sitting across from me with her hair up in pig tails. We both ate quietly amongst ourselves until Gabe came running down being extra as hell. "I smell bacon!" He shouted, nearly ramming into the refrigerator.

      "Just sit down and eat." Bianca tells him shaking her head she found him amusing just as much as I did. "Oh Lexi, make sure you go to the office when you get to school and get your schedule."

"They didn't change it right?" I asked with a mouthful of pancakes.

"No your Dad talked to Principal Lopez last night and told him everything, they kept your schedule the same so you'll be good."

  "Why do I have to pick it up then? I already know my schedule by heart."

"Well they probably just want to talk to you. You're gonna have to work really hard because you're behind now. Don't ask anymore questions though because I honestly don't know. I'm just the messenger." She laughs, shutting off the stove and joining us for breakfast. "Eat quicker Daisy we need to walk to your bus stop."

"You've got a day off?" Gabe asks sipping his orange juice.

Bianca nods her head, eating, "I have today and tomorrow off and then I switched with one of the girls at work so I don't have to work on Lexi's birthday."

"Really? Thank you!" I grin.

"I'm here." I heard Grayson say as the front door closed shut. He came in dressed in a pair of ripped black skinny jeans and a white Tommy Hilfiger shirt. I glanced down at his shoes to see a pair of white nike air forces. I grinned sheepishly as I turned away, He looks good. Okay stop it you can't say that. "Do I get a plate?" He asked Bianca. I watched Bianca nod her head and tell him his plate is in the microwave. She must always make him breakfast before they come to pick me up.

     After breakfast we bid our goodbyes to Bianca and Daisy and headed out. The drive to school was quiet and when we pulled up to the school I could feel the tension. "Nobody better say some slick shit today." I groan hoping today is like the day I left. Everything is the same and nothing has changed.

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