Chapter 17: decisions made

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I stood at my locker, putting away a few of my books before I headed off to third period. "So I forgot to tell you something this morning in the car." I heard Gabe's voice say. I turned away from my locker to see him leaning up against the one beside my own. His brown hair looking neater than usual. One of his hands was wrapped around the strap of his backpack as he smiled at me.

"Well okay then. What do you have to tell me?" I asked as I placed my last textbook into my locker. I closed it and locked it up, then proceeding to make eye contact with Gabriel.

"So I talked to my mom." He started. I groaned in response, stopping him from talking any further.

"I told you not to talk to her about it." I whined as I rubbed my eye.

I didn't want him to say anything just in case I just possibly was looking too far into the situation that happened Saturday morning. Maybe she was just having a terrible day and wasn't interested in talking to me.

"I know, but I had to do something. You're my friend and I want you to be comfortable when you come over my house. If you had to leave because you didn't feel welcomed then I needed to fix that. So I talked to her, and she said she was just having a bad day. My dad and her got into an arguement the night before. She said she's sorry for making you feel that way and that you're one hundred percent allowed to come by whenever you want." Gabe explained.

I bit my lip, "Did she tell you why they fought? I did tell you how your dad reacted to hearing my name right? He basically jumped off the couch and dragged your mom to another room. What if the fight they had was about me?" I asked, my voice becoming lower as I finished talking.

Gabe shook his head and placed his hands on my shoulders, "No. No, you're fine it wasn't you. I promise." Gabe said, trying to reassure me. I nodded and looked down at our feet. I was wearing black boots today, and he was wearing Timberland boots. He practically lived in those boots. I looked back up at him to see him watching me.

"Alright. I need to get to class, I'll see you around lunch." I told him. Gabe nods, and walked away. I turned and headed to third period.

When I entered the girl's locker room, I searched for Lindsay. I saw her putting her shirt on so I quickly ran up behind her and poked her shoulder. "Goodmorning." I smiled.

"There you are." Lindsay grins turning toward me. "I haven't seen you all morning, I was worried you didn't come. I have to talk to you about something."

"The Madison thing?" I groaned asking her. I haven't seen Dean all morning and I know for a fact he's probably searching for me, but I'll see him in the gym. Caleb; is most likely pissed off at me. I heard Madison skipped school today. Austin, from what I know isn't mad since I saw him on my way to first period. He gave me a hug, and went on his way. I still have yet to see Brett, so when I run into him I'll judge and see if he's upset.

"Sort of." Lindsay replied as she shut her gym locker. "I just want to know why you didn't tell any of us Lexi." She sighs, as she ran a hand through her straight blonde hair.

"I don't see why some of you are upset with me. It's not like it was my business to tell. Madison was the one who needed to tell Caleb, not me. She called me crying and said I was the only one she could talk to about it. She was right though. If she called any of you I wouldn't be suprised if you snitched her out right away. I did the right thing, she told him didn't she?" I replied.

I did do the right thing. Things could have turned out worse if I told Caleb myself. He would have assumed Madison was never going to tell him when in fact she was.

I don't know why Dean can't see that. I know he's mad at his cousin right now for betraying his best friend. But he shouldn't be mad at me of all people. I didn't do anything wrong.

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