Chapter 29: you didnt make it back home?

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Time passed by slowly, I ended up running out of tears, and I was hungry, really hungry, and really thirsty. I managed to find my way back to the coffee shop but it was closed. Sitting on the front step, I tried to think of what I could do to get home. My heart ached as I began to miss hearing my friends voices already. I wished to be in their presence.

I wished to be with Dean, to hear him talk about how attractive the girls that walked by were only for him to change the subject to wanting to find the right one.

I wished to be with Austin to watch him get rejected by a girl and to see his mood sink only for him to start laughing saying "It was her loss." Or for him to yell Lexi down the hallway whenever he seen me.

I wished to see Caleb and suffer through a math class with him as he acted a fool trying his hardest to make me turn in my seat and laugh with him. I missed my best friend, my brother, my literal everything.

I wished to see Brett because out of everyone, he's the one who's most like my family. Growing up with him before everyone was my favourite part about growing up even though we always have arguements he keeps me safe, tell's me what's right and what's wrong. Right now I wouldn't mind him yelling at me because I left LA.

I miss my girls, Madison and Lindsay, the only two girl's I've ever felt close to. Felt safe with. I hang around a lot of guys but having two girls that I can call my best friends makes me happy. I was closer to Lindsay more than Madison but I still loved them the same. I wouldn't mind hanging out with them right now.

Then there was Gabe, I missed him. I missed him yelling at me to hurry up and get in the car in the morning, and for him to then ask me how I slept when I got in the car. I also missed him walking me to my doorstep after school and peeping inside to see what Tim was doing. He'd tell me to go inside, give me a hug and wait a few minutes before leaving. I wished I could see him right now. I miss my Gabe. I miss my hopefully half brother.

I wished I was with Grayson too. Out of everyone, of all my friends, I've discovered there's an interesting relationship Gray and I have started. We were close, everyone seen that. He was constantly looking out for me. Whether it was watching me from across the  cafeteria or walking me to class sometimes to picking me up from work, he's done it all. Which is why I wouldn't mind feeling his arms wrapped around me, hugging me, I missed him.

I missed my friends, I needed to be home. But I had no idea how I'd manage to get home. It was dark out and the temperature was starting to drop, I had a black hoodie on but it was thin. "Fuckkkkk." I mumbled, running my hands through my messy brown hair. Bitter. I was bitter, cold, and I was starving.

The streets were empty for the most part. I rested my head up against the door of the coffee shop and slowly begain to drift to sleep. It was dangerous that I was about to sleep on the street again, but if I sleep I'll forget how hungry I am.


"Hey." I heard a voice and someone pushing on me. My eyes fluttered opened and I came across the guy from yesterday. "You didn't make it back home?"

I stared at him, trying to readjust my eyes to the sunlight, when I did, I shook my head, "I got my phone charged and while I was about to tell my friend my location it got stolen. I should have just made a call inside the Apple Store but it had shit service." I told him letting out a sigh.

He nods, holding his hand out. "Come on, get up." I took his hand and he lifted me up effortlessly and unlocked the door to the coffee shop, letting me in first. "We don't open for another hour, you're hungry right?"

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