Chapter 1: Meet the Friends

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  After hiding the bruise mark that appeared on my cheek last night from when he punched me, under loads of make up, I finally headed to school. I didn't have my own car so I was stuck walking.  Lindsay sometimes offered me rides to school but I always declined smoothly saying my Dad gives me rides everyday. She believed it, which I was grateful for.

Strolling into the school building, I instantly put a smile on my face greeting people I knew a quick hello as I walked by them. I headed straight to my locker and opened it up.

"Hey." Lindsay spoke, as she slumped up against my locker. "How was your bonding time with your dad last night?" She asked, curiously.

I met her gaze as I closed my locker shut. "It was good actually. We watched some movies and then just had take out before going to bed." I lied, putting on a smile.

I hated lying to her, but I didn't want to tell her what it was really like at home. She'd immediately freak out. I didn't need her to pity me, or even worry about me more than she needed. I loved my best friend, and I guess in some weird twisted way I was protecting her.

I always had a habit of putting other people's happiness before my own, and that may or may not be a good thing. The way I view it, there's pro's and con's of the situation. I'm keeping other people safe by them not knowing this part of my life. But a con is I'm keeping myself in danger by not saying anything.

I should report him, I should get him sent to jail. But I know the second I do, I'm sent into foster care. My mother ran out on me and I've never met my biological father. I had no family. My step-father was the only person I had left, without him I'd be tossed into the system. I didn't want that. The second I'm in that system I'm gone.

They could possibly move me away from what I know. Move me away from the one place I call my home to somewhere I'll be lost and confused. I didn't want that. If I have to, I'll put up with my step-father until I'm eighteen. I can survive two more years. I know I can.

"Aw, that's nice. I'm happy you had a good night last night. Although, I'm still upset you couldn't make it to my house. We'll have to reschedule or something." Lindsay replied as she pulled her cell phone out to check a message. "Anyways, I have to go meet up with Brett. I'll see you in third period." She beams at me, as she touches my shoulder lightly before she runs off to meet her boyfriend Brett.

I slumped back up against my locker, and released a breath that even I didn't know I was holding. The bell for homeroom rang, causing me to jump in surprise. I rushed to the classroom right next to my locker and went inside.

"Goodmorning, Mrs. Allen." I greet my homeroom teacher with my usual smile. She glances up at me, smiling back as she responds with her goodmorning.

I walked to my seat, and sat down. Homeroom was only twenty minutes long and then I could head to my first period, which just so happened to be History. I didn't mind school, of course I wasn't a big learner, and my grades were only average... I just felt like school was my escape during the week. That's why I showed up everyday.

When I was seated, I rested my head on my desk a bit as I patiently waited for the morning announcements to be heard over the intercom.

"Alexis." I heard my name being whispered. I looked up, coming face to face with Luis. "Party this weekend, my place. Be there alright?" He stated.

"I'll try my best." I mutter. "I promise."

Luis nodded and turned away from me as he started up another conversation with his friends. I simply kept to myself for the remaining minutes and listened to the morning announcements as our Principal talked about things going on after school.

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