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+Author's note

Congrats on winning 1st prize! ^^

Most of the beer and small talk was spent up in the dingy little rec room. Most of the other mercs had already headed up for the night, save for Joan and Demoman.

Lazy swigs of drinks were exchanged between the two friends, leaning against the chairs, they were feeling the buzz of their drinks slowly catch up with them along with their fatique.

Their faces were tired from the good laugh they shared earlier, and only dregs of small smiles hung on their lips.

Demoman glanced at the woman, a small gleam in his eye.

"Aye, what'cha gonna be doin' fer tomorrow?"

Joan shrugged.

"It's ceasefire. Might as well sleep in or somethin', train or make more explosives or stuff"

The Scottsman raised an eyebrow at her.

"Ya ain't gonna celebrate yer own birthday?"

"My what?"

Joan turned to the left and saw the lewd picture calender and saw a small red circle on one of the dates. Speaking of, who did drew that anyways?

"Oh, right! I forgot"

Demoman rolled his eyes and shook his head at his friend.

"How do ye manage to memorize the entire time table for the BLU spy's infiltrations-"

"-and shower hours!" cut in Joan.

"But forget yer own birthday?" finished Demoman with a chuckle.

Running a hand over her head, Joan scratched right above her eyepatch, and yawned.

"One, that's actually really helpful to the team, and two, Scout asked me to tell him when the BLU Spy's taking a shower so he could mess with the water tempature"

And sure enough, a distant cry of a french man was heard from across the RED base.

Demoman and Joan laughed together at the far off french curses, and wiped tears from their eyes.

"Well, I'm calling it a night. See ya tomorrow Tavish"

Demoman eyed her leave with a small smile.

"Yeah, you too"


Rap Rap Rap

Joan turned in her sleep, ignoring the strange sounds that intruded her peacefull slumber.

Rap Rap Rap

How strange.. Was there something poking her? Naw, that's the wrong sound. It must be her imagination.

Rap Rap Rap

What? What was that? Joan was sure she felt some kind of-

Rap Rap Rap

Okay she wasn't dreaming this. There was somethin-

Rap Rap Rap

"What the f-"

Throwing her covers down, she came face to face with a very large parrot staring down at her, cocking it's head to the side.

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