Tears (xEngineer)

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+Author's note


What a gentleman, what a man!

Was there any woman who wouldn't say the same? With his calm demeanor and his gentle ways, Dell Conager was more than capable of wooing a wonan.

The fact that his smiles were glazed with the honeyed perfection of a southern drawl made it almost impossible to pass him without a sigh.

Completely oblivious to this information, he would always whistle a tune, those strong broad arms handling a task at hand would glisten with sweat and pulse with veins.

And did the woman appreciate this?

The love struck gazes of the ladies in the room definately seemed to answer your question.

Trying to ignore the heated gazes of the women around you, you hugged the toolbox tightly, standing next to dell as he finished up on a ceiling lamp.

"All done!"

Stepping down from the ladder, the ladies surrounding him cheered and giggled, watching him climb down; some flocking towards him.

"How do you do it Dell?"

"You're so talented Dell! Can you fix my television?"

"Dell! Have some tea!"

The woman giggled and flustered around him, and Dell, being the gentleman he was, took his helmet off and smiled sweetly.

"Tha's mighty kind of ya, but I have to get goin' things getting late and all. Ah'll stop by yer house for the television sometime miss Liana!"

Liana giggled, and you rolled your eyes as you handed Dell his tool box.

Dell tipped his hat at you and grinned.

"Thanks honey bee!"

You blushed. And quickly headed out the small cafe with Dell.


Riding in his truck, Dell drove down the road humming to himself as you looked outside glumly, your mood greatly contrasting the beautiful pink sunset.

It's been more than 2 years since you've fallen for the texan. How could you not? His soft voice, his kindness and his baby blue eyes, and the way he treated you-

'-Is exactly the same how he treats other women' you bitterly thought.

Sighing, you leaned against the window.

It was true, he was gentle, kind and selfless to you. But that was how he treated other women as well. He's just so damn sweet to everyone and it just tears you up to think that he treats you the same as the others.

Didn't you live on base with him? Didn't you two have sweet moments only you shared with him? Weren't you always there for him? And for what? To be treated exactly the same as any other woman who just waltzed into his life?

Grimacing, you started drifting back.


Frightened and nervous, you stepped up at the old base, expecting to be crushed by a team of assassins, only to be greeted by a sweet Texan with a grin.

'It's a pleasure to meet ya miss (L/n)! Welcome to our base!'

You smiled as he took your hand in his and shook it firmly. It was warm, just like his gaze.

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