Love letter (xSniper)

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+Author's note

Modern AU where you and Sniper are in a band together, also, songs up there, complete with sexy saxophone.

The casino's lights were aglow, hypnotizing it's guests with pleasure and bad judgement.

After all, what fun is there in a game with no risks?

Dimmed lights and a center stage, the sultry scents of exotic cigars and heavy perfume hung in the air.

Along with esctatic screams and low roars of laughter buzzing among the clinking of poker chips falling about.

"What a house, what a house!"

You laughed to yourself as your band members readied their instruments.

Mundy, (or Sniper, as you all called him)
Rolled his eyes and lowered his hat.

"Just a buncha no hope wankas filled with booze. It's not much of a house sheila"

Giving a small 'tsk'! You threw your hair back and held your head up high.

"Snipes, they're a bunch of no hope wankers with money. Now don't you deny that! We've got a house to entertain!"

Banks, the drummer raised his eyebrow.

"Of course, our lady only chooses the finest audience. And by that she's a gold digger"

You tackled Banks, earning laughter from your other band mates.



A snap of your fingers started the band, the notes of the saxophone rolling through the air, easily blending in with the heavy smoke.

Several heads turned in your direction, but most went about their games, hardly noticing you and your crew.

But that was just the way you were paid to do, and boy you were all good at it.

"I'm gonna write what I want you to do to me in a letter"

Your performance wasn't meant to capture the center of attention.

No, no one turned their heads to look specifically at you, or clap their hands, bobbing their heads to the beat.

"I'm gonna write it for good or for bad or for worse or for better"

You smirked as your voice seeping through the casino, the chorus lifting your notes higher, deeper and through.

No one noticed you. And no one noticed that they were actually wrapped around your finger.

"I'm gonna write it for you so that you can be my lover"

The audience shifted, unknown among themselves, your music had them shuffling amongst themselves, making their laughter and bets double.

"Cause when it is your I am yours baby now and forever.. Oohhhh won't you help me get out.. of my head!"

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