Chase (xSpy) (xScout)

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+Author's note


Loyalty is important.

But following your dreams are importanter.

You munched on the chocolate cookies and sent crumbs flying everywhere while your hair blew in the night breeze.

"HEY! I said no eating in my car!!"

You only turned your head to shoot a glare at the BLU Scout and childishly stick your tongue out as you started opening a can of soda.

Scout just rolled his eyes and kept driving.

Now normally you wouldn't be together with a BLU, especially the BLU Scout. Nah, he was just a pain in the ass.

'But desperate times call for desperate measures..'

You sighed to yourself as you tilted your head back, looking up at the night sky as you thought back to yesterday's little meeting.

"Okay, let's get this straight. I hate your French bastard-"

"And I hate your whore of a mom-"

You and BLU Scout both glared daggers at each other, only to have the BLU Scout let out a sigh, rubbing his temples.

"So we both want them to get seperated, right?"


"Okay.. so here's the deal, we team up and get them away from each other, and walk off and act as if nothing had ever happened. Got it?"

"Got it!"

And with a handshake, you sealed the deal.

So here you were, riding BLU Scout's convertable heading towards the resturaunt Maria and RED Spy were in.

You flipped out your note pad and started rummaging through it, looking through the elaborate plan you cooked up.

"All right, so I borrowed a sniper rif-"


Shooting a glare, you continued.

"-Which has been modified to a lower presure, filled with tranquilizer, with which we will shoot your mother with-"

"Why does it gotta be my mum?! Let's just shoot your french fucker-"

"ALRIGHT! Fine! We shoot both of them and take them away to our respective homes got it?"

"Got it"

Pulling in, you both reached a small hill that overlooked a fancy resturaunt. Both concealing yourselves in the bushes, you took out a pair of binoculars and saw what you were looking for.

With gritted teeth, you found that.. that Whore of a woman!! Maria, latched onto your boyfriend's arm!!

Okay, to be honest you guys weren't dating but you were sure to win his heart one day!

You sighed dreamily as you took out your Spy diary, and started scribbling down in a pink inked pen.

Today is the day I find my love and claim him as my own-

"Wha.. you got a whole notebook filled with dat French bozo?"

BLU Scout gave a look of disgust.

Taking the pink glittery notebook out, you showed it proudly to Scout.

"Filled with sonnets, stories, diary entries, songs and pictures! Isn't it great?!"

BLU Scout gave another look of disgust that soon turned rather impressed and flipped through the small book.

"Well.. I'll have to admire your dedication"

Soon enough, you and Scout both saw Maria and Spy take their seats by a large window, and watched a waiter scurry to hand them their menus.

You grit your teeth as you saw the way Maria battered her eyelashes at your Spy. If BLU Scout wasn't here, you would have torn her eyelashes off.

And to Maria's flirts, Spy gave that loving look to her, a look he never gave you, which pierced your heart.

But it was okay! You were going to show him that you were both meant for each other, even if it means you have to kidnap him!

Soon, Maria and Spy both ordered their meals, and you readied your gun.

"Okay, I'll go first!"

You carefully loaded your gun as you remembered Sniper nagging you to be careful with the rifle.

Now completely ready, you looked through the scope, Maria was locked onto your gaze.

Your finger slowly pressed against the triggger, when just then, Maria got up and left the table.

With a scowl, you withdrew your gaze and bit your lip, earning a red mark from the pressure.

"Hey! Wat's goin' on?"

"Your stupid mom moved! Ugh! Now I gotta wait till she comes back!"

Grumbling, you set the scope back and looked through. Patiently waiting for your prey to return.

But then again, why just wait when you could be looking at the love of your life?

Your rifle was soon pointed towards the Frenchman, and you sighed dreamily as a wavery smile formed on your face while your cheeks started reddening.

And as if to return your gaze, the Spy turned your head exactly towards you and winked heartily at you.

You gave a gasp and fell back.

"WHOA! Hey! Girly!! Wat da hell?!"

Scout held you in his arms as he tried shaking you awake.

"Hey! Wat was dat all about?! Snap out of it!"

You could only mutter incoherent words, a stupid grin plastered on your flustered face.

"Spy...s..soo beautiful..he...ahh..!♡♡♡"

Scout kept shaking you, trying to wake you from your trance while you merely continued your babbling.

"Hey!! Wake up! We gotta job to do girly!! GIRLY!!!"


Spy smiled as he watched BLU Scout held (Y/n) in his arms, desperately trying to shake her awake.

The sound of a chair pulling back caught his attention, and he saw his date back from powdering her nose.

"So, they followed us again?"


Both looked out and saw Scout carry you out towards his car, and chuckled softly amongst themselves.

"They would be so much better together.."

"Give them time mon amour, they'll find each ozher"

"You think?"

Both laughed as their meal soon came out.

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