Bag (xSoldier)

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+Author's Note

I haven't written enough Soldier fics! I plan to do something about that.

May 27th

Some would say that it's when summer are just around the corner.

When flowers bloom, when the subtle scent of honey and summer days would waft through the air. With grass staining the knees of children;
When frogs begin to bubble their little cries into the moonlit sky.

For Jane, it was just his 'anniversary'. A painful memento of times gone by.

"You're always away. What did you expect me to do?"

As upset as he was, he had nothing to say on that day. No words to shout, or to defend their marriage.

And though she was the one who had wronged him, her words had no lie to them.

He had left her alone.

"Paul is going to actually be around for me. I've already packed my things, so don't ever call me again"

She turned away and walked out of the house. And that was the last Jane ever saw of her.


Jane grunted. Mentally slapping himself, he shook his head and looked up from the bench he was sitting at.

"2 damned years since she left me.."
He muttered lowly.

He shot a bitter look at the pond in front of him.

'And I still remember it like it was yesterday'

He laughed at his own thoughts; They reminded him of some kind of sappy love song one would hear on the radio.

He gave a sigh and sat up straight, looking off into the distance.

It was another day in the park.

Except today would be the day someone broke his quiet routine of his trips to the park.

Had he had turned his head to the right, he would have seen a girl walking towards him.

She came towards the bench in a struggle, and Jane was still blankly staring ahead, and it took a small cough and a wave in front of his face to catch his attention.


"I asked if I could sit here sir, all the other benches are full"

He dully grunted a yes, and the girl sat right next to him.

Jane went back to sulking, but was soon drawn out of his thoughts when the girl next to him kept fumbling with something.


He saw that the strap of the girl's bag had snapped, and she was trying to tie it into a knot.

Watching her fumble and trying to tie various knots, he saw she failed to keep it in place.

With a snort, he took the bag away from her and tied the ripped strap firmly into a knot.

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