Disney (xHeavy) (xScout)

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+Author's note

I may or may not have done most of the things in the following story to my friends and family

They were never the type of people to get along.

Perhaps it was the enormous age gap? Or was it their clashing personalities?
Maybe it was their difference in opinions?

But whatever the reason, Heavy and Scout got over their own differences due to their mutual joy of harassing you.

You regretted showing your enthusiasm for Disney animations; it became your greatest bane ever since the topic was brought up a month ago.

Basking in the slower hours of the day, you reclined to the base's rec room, a book propped up in your lap, a glass of cola on your left, a bag of chips on your right.

A perfect set up for a perfect day.

You were peacefully reading your book, when suddenly the sound of an oriental harp sounded.

Looking up, you saw Heavy in a long black wig. His expression pained, with his eyes shining wistfully as he walked slowly into the room.

"Look at me, I will never pass for a perfect man.. or a perfect Heavy.."

You rolled your eyes, and continued to read the book.

Heavy went on despite your hardest attempts to ignore him. Scout soon walked in with a radio, which you now realized that he was responsible for the BGM.

"Can it be? That Heavy not meant to play this parrrt?

Heavy walked forwards, and lifted the hems of his shirt and acted as if he was jumping across some rocks.

"Now I see, if Heavy were truly to be himself.. Heavy would break baby team's heart.."

Grasping your cup of cola, Heavy peered in and gazed at his expression through the black fizzing drink.

"Who is that man I see; staring straight, back at meeee????"

You gave up and endured the rest.


Hot steam rose in the bathroom. You were rinsing your hair, when you heard a playful knock on the door.

Squinting, you rinsed the soap from your face, and called out to answer the knocking.


You stopped and realized the knocking was oddly familiar...

Wait a minute.

Scout's muffled voice sang from the other side of the door, still audible even with the sound of the shower running.

"Do you wanna build a-"



Heavy and Scout moved in sync around you, dancing and swirling while you tried to finish your meal at the table.

"We are siamese if you please..!!"

Engineer got up, and took his plate with him. He knew better than to stick around when Heavy and Scout were doing their musical numbers.

You slowly narrowed your eyes, refusing to look at either men as you chewed your pasta relunctantly.

"We are siamese if you don't please!"

With that, they started knocking random objects off of the table.

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