Guitar (xEngineer)

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+Author's note

Hey nunuwang remember that time you got your foot run over by a car? AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA
(Actually I was pretty worri-) AHAHAHAHA

For my sister

Engineer took his hard hat in his hands, nervouly running his hands over the smooth yellow plastic as beads of sweat ran down the side of his face.

There have been plently of times he had accidently ran over things during his many years of driving. For example, Tuefort had a suprisingly abundant wildlife despite the lead poisoned rivers.

He could have shrugged it off it was a bird, perhaps a click of a tongue, a head shaking in pity; but he was not prepared for what he ran over today.

It had been some time since he had been waiting outside of the emergency room. Not a single soul was around, and no signs of life could be seen, heard or felt; giving an eerie feeling as he stood under the green light of the sign that blinked 'operation'.

Faint footsteps grew louder, a doctor opened the doors with a tired look, with a hint of amusement tugging at his mouth.

Dell rose from his feet abruptly.

"Doc! So, is she.. is she.."

The doctor tried to find the right words for such an absurd situation.

"Well, the girl had her foot run over by your truck, but is in suprisingly good shape despite your truck being filled with all those heavy equipment"

Dell gave a sigh of relief, but his questions were not over.

"But.. why.. why'd she-"

"Faint? Well, it turns out she had a dangerously low amount of vitamin D, was dehydrated and had lack of sleep"

Dell gave another sigh of relief, and sat back down in his chair, clutching his heart.

"She'll be fine but she needs to stay hospitalized for a few days"

Dell nodded, and took off to find (Y/n).


Several bags of IV loomed over the bed, a girl with (h/c) hair was sleeping peacefully, completely unaware of her surroundings.

Engineer came closer, and saw that she had dark bags under her eyes, her frail frame shaking with every breath she took.

He felt a pang of guilt. But seeing that she was asleep, there wasn't a way to actually do anything about it. Writing his phone number down, and a quick apology, he ripped a piece of paper and placed it beside (Y/n)'s table stand.


"Herr Engineer, jou seem to be in a hurry"

Engineer snapped out of his thoughts, breathless from packing his sentries in a flurry.

"Uh, yeah doc! Ah got someplace to go!"

Leaving his coworker mildly curious, he set off with his sentries packed, running in between his co workers.

"Heavy move coming through!"

And with that, he whisked off towards the hospital.

It was late in the afternoon when he pulled up at the large hospital. He briskly jogged towards the elevators, slightly out of breath.

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