Visit (xSniper)

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+Author's note
Requested by AussieMedic!

"Care to get some drinks sheila?"

You giggled as the blonde Aussie gave a playful wink as he leaned on his car, waiting for it to be filled with gas.

"Oh I would, it's just that-"

"OI! Whaddya think ya doin' with my girl?!"

Barely holding back a grin, you saw Mick fuming towards you, while the blonde Austraillian gave a look of surprise.

"-I don't think my boyfriend would appreciate that"

Sniper grabbed the man by the shirt growling darkly as he held him up against the pillar of the gas station.

"Stay away from my girl! Ya hear me?!" He snarled.

The man nodded frantically, and ran off towards his car.

Unable to keep it in any longer, you started laughing; which earned a glare from your boyfriend.

"C'mon (Y/n!) We're leavin!"

Your giggles didn't stop as Mick grabbed you by the wrist and practically dragged you towards his van.

Now strapped up and ready to go, Mick started his van and went out the road, his beloved mobile home coughing up dust as it rolled out into the harsh sun of the outback.

Enjoying the scenery, you hung your arm by the open window, feeling the warm breeze run through your hair.

Through the corner of your eye, you saw Sniper was still sulking by the look of his strained jaw.

"You're still upset?"

Mick only growled incoherent words under his breath. You caught the occassional words, "No good", "piker", and "My own sheila".

"Aww.. c'mon! You can't still be upset! I can't help that I'm attractive!"

"You started flirting with the bloke!"
Barked Mick.

You grinned.

"You know I only did it to make you jealous. I can't help how cute you are when you're like that!"

Mick only glared ahead while you leaned closer, and purred into his ear.

"Aw babe! don't be like that! You know I was just teasing. And you wouldn't want your parents to see you with a face like that!"

Kissing the side of his face, Mick didn't bother to look at you, but his face certainly did look a lot less angrier.


Pulling in front of an old wooden house, you saw an elderly woman who you presumed to be Sniper's mom, waiting outside the door gleefully.

You jumped out of the van while Sniper went back to get some luggages out from the back.

The old woman gave a squeal and ran out, throwing her arms out to hug you.

"Ohhh!! You must be (Y/n)! It's so good to finally meet you in person!!"

Sniper came back with some luggages hauled onto him like a pack mule, you reached out to help but he insisted as usual.

"OH!! Micky my little joey! So ya finally came back home my little roo!"

She ran into Sniper in a tight embrace, almost knocking him back from all the things he was carrying.

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