Shore (xSpy)

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+Author's note

Turn the song on for maximum story telling!

Yet another breakfast sat on the table, slowly to be forgotten, and soon to waste. It has been that way for quite a bit now.

How long you ask? I can hardly keep count.

Poor Marthe, our sweet house keeper. Today's dish were made with upmost simplicity and delicacy. Just the way I loved it. But we both knew it was best that she hadn't troubled herself.

Perhaps she thought her thoughtfulness towards my breakfast would bring back my sense of hunger; A part of me that had long gone.

Nevertheless, I walked towards the side table in our bedroom that Laurent and I had used to dine at.

A small portion of french toast had syrup drizzled over like ribbons. It sat in a small porcelien bowl, with powdered sugar snowed on the top.

I looked sideways and saw a cup of coffee, and a small lean vase sat next to it.

I laughed in spite of myself.

In the vase I saw a single white rose; Freshly plucked from our garden.

Poor dear sweet Marthe. No doubt she thought that if she mimicked my husband's old habits she could clear the discontent from my heart!

I slowly traced my fingers on the rose; The smooth stem had it's thorns cut off, and the white rose was a swirl of soft petals that had the shimmering beauty of a pearl.

Slowly taking the rose from the vase, I stroked it gently as if it were a bird, almost believing it could whisper to me.

Laurent would always laugh whenever I told him of such things.

'Mon chérie, roses can't speak!'

'Perhaps they can! Maybe they just can't stand dull frenchmen.'

'Ah, but it seems zhat 'ou can!'

I smiled as I recalled the sweet moments he and I shared.

Slowly slipping a robe on, I started to walk outside, with the rose as my only companion.

Down the long hallways, I could catch glimpes of the shore through the windows on each side of the walls, the chandeliers gently clinking their jewels as the salty wind blew in.

I should have walked faster, I could have slipped out before I would walk into Marthe, for her presense brought me guilt and shame.

But it was too late, I already stood before the small elderly woman. Her frail frame seemed to shake with ebery breath she took as she stood there, her wide grey orbs looking into mine, questioning me without words.

Her curiousity was justified. I hardly ever left my room this month, and my presense in these very corridors must have brought some amount of confusion.

"Misstress? Where are you headed? Had you had a bite?"

I shook my head.

"No not today Marthe. I feel rather absent minded today and would like a walk"

Marthe slowly looked at my hands and found that I held the rose she had prepared with my breakfast. She smiled, almost knowing she had brought back fonder memories of my husband.

"Alright misstress, please be careful, the wind is a little stronger than usual today"

I smiled wispfully at her, and I went on my way.

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