Lost (xSpy)

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+Author's note

Something not smutty for a change. I had this idea for almost 2 years..? And did I ever tell you I have a strange fondness for comfortable bathrooms?

You sank onto the cold granite floor, hugging your knees as you gave a deep sigh.

Where were you? How did you get here? Was there any way out? I mean, there was a way out but..

Sighing, you looked around your surroundings and grumbled to yourself.

'Great. I'm lost in a bathroom again.'


Now there was an explanation for your rather questionable state of whereabouts.

If one were to get lost in Paris, it would usually be around some cornershop, a monument, maybe even some bus stops. But then again, you weren't really quite like the others were you?

When Ms.Pauling granted your team of mercenaries for a two week vacation, you were more than thrilled. Your team spoke eagerly of their plans for their little holiday.

Engineer would go back to Texas to catch up with family, Demoman was planning a fishing trip with Soldier, Medic going back in time for the Oktober feast in his home country and so on.

You were just as giddy as the rest of the crew when you learned (after a short phone call) that your family had gone on a cruise ship and wouldn't be back in.. Well, quite a while.

Disappointment sinked in, but what concerned you the most was where you to go? What were you to do? Your friends were still in school, making it nearly impossible to meet them, and to go to some landmark alone? That would also kind of kill the mood.

While you were wondering all the while, Spy stepped forwards and offered a place to stay during the vacation.

It surprised you that the Frenchman would step up and give you this generous offer.
He wasn't much for talk and you were little more than an acquaintance to him.

But you gladly accepted the offer, and soon enough, you were jogging up to keep up with his long strides to the airport, and soon, his home.

Everyone was quite aware of Spy's wealth, and yet you still found yourself gaping at the huge building he called his own.

A clean cut modern household consisting of 3 floors and a personal driveway, swimming pool, sauna, garden and tennis court made it clear that this man was more than extravagent when it came to somes of money.

Servants made their way for you, taking the luggage from you with a bow, and Spy casually strolled inside, with you following him but with wide eyes and a look of amazement.

Spy had given you his permission to use any facility to your liking, and handed you keys to a spare sports car which you declined with a fluster.

But there was a problem to this extravaganza. No not anything too dramatic.. But try as you might, you could never seem to find your way around.

The entire household was somewhat more of a maze. It's complicated structure had you spinning around in a mere portion of a single wing until you found a servant out of the area.

To make things worse, the decor was extremely simple, and similar. You could pass three different rooms and still be convinced that they were the same. So getting lost wasn't exactly a difficult task to perform.

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