Woods (xHeavy)

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+Author's note

I was challenged a while back by kratos619 and her sisters to write a sweet Heavy fic! Sorry for the long wait ladies!

You ran up to the large figure in the distance, your breath rising up in a blurry fog through the cool autumn air.

Running into the figure, you gave the biggest hug you could manage for the large man, barely wrapping your arms halfway.

You beamed up at your boyfriend's face.

"Hey there!"

Your smile faltered slightly when you saw Mikhail's expression. Tight jaws and a furrowed brow told you that something was obviously off.

You gave a soft sympathetic smile, hugging him even tighter.

"That kind of day huh?"

The man said nothing and merely wrapped his strong arms around you.

You took his hand and led him towards the woods you would always meet up at.
It's quiet and soothing qualities always made it an ideal place to meet up at, just like you both did today.

Walking deeper into the worn dusty path, you wandered together deeper into the sleepy trees, leaves and twigs crunching under your feet.

You knew that Mikhail would never open up right away. It always took him a few exhanges of pleasantries or a quiet walk before he would even consider talking.

5 years of dating him, you knew him well enough, and with ease, started to calm him down in that special way you always did.

You playfully took his hand and walked up fallen logs, jumping over stones as Mikhail would help you keep your balance.

Looking at your boyfriend, you saw his still solemn face.

Whatever happened, must have upset him more than you had originally thought.

Jumping off a large rock, you wrapped your arms around the Russian's firm arm. You leaned against him, an unspoken gesture that let him know you were there for him, that he had your undivided attention.

Walking further down the path, the sky was still somewhat bright, despite the sun had just set 30 minutes ago.

But even the pastel colors of the early evening sky didn't seem to phase the giant. You frowned to yourself, pondering.

Just what could have upset him so?

Mikhail said nothing as he walked down the path, slowing himself just enough for you to catch up.

Stopping at a large clearing, you both looked out into the distance; gazing at the view.

Purple mountains were bristled with colors of black, while the sky was still a brilliant spread of orange, pink and yellow, fainting into a shade of soft hue of indigo.

Sighing, you took in the brisk fall air with deep breaths. Gazing at the sky and the forests bellow, admiring the towering clusters of pine and other nameless evergreens.

Mikhail gave a deep sigh at the sight, and you smiled slightly. He always was one to admire a scene.

But slowly, he started prying his hands away; stepping back from you, facing you silently.

You were taken aback at his actions. For the first time in 5 years, he felt like a stranger. The look in his eyes bore into your heart.

He faced you, but not as a lover.

Today he stood before you as a man.


Your voice cracked in the cold air, a lump stuck in your throat told you that something big was going to happen.

Mikhail never took his gaze from your eyes. Surely this was the longest he had ever turned to see you, even when you were dating.


You stared, prodding him to continue with your worried expression.

"You are too far away"


You couldn't believe your ears. Far away? What measured the distance? Broken hearts? Unspoken complaints? Or the long commute to meet together?

Words failed you, and Mikhail filled the silence.

"(Y/n), you are far from old Misha. You are hard to meet, is difficult to hold you, and sometimes hard for Misha. I feel lonely many times a day"

You started trembling. Never was there a day where Mikhail would complain, you had always thought he was happy with you.

It seems you were the only one who felt that way.

Your lips started quivering, but you didn't stop trying to compose yourself.

"I.. I don't understand.."

Mikhail still had a blank face, staring calmly at your small shaking figure, trying so hard to hold back your tears.

"You have not even met Mikhail's family"

Choking at his words, your vision started to shake with hot tears.

"There are still so many things I do not know about (Y/n), and the same for you to me. Even in 5 years of meet"

No longer could you hold back your tears. Hot tears gushed out in drops from your eyes as you grasped Mikhail's hands, desperately holding his right hand with both hands of yours.

"Mikhail! Please! I had no idea you felt this way! Please give me a chance!! I can fix this, I can change for you! Just- please...!!!"

Tears now dropped to the ground, the fallen leaves keeping every tear drop you spilt rolling on their dulled hues of red and yellow.

Mikhail looked deeply into your eyes, and cupped your face in his hand, wiping your tears away.

"This should not be so"

But before you could say anything, Mikhail spoke up, his breath fogging the crisp autumn evening.

"These are all reasons you must marry old Misha"

Your eyes widened. And when you were barely able to process what you heard, Mikhail held up diamond ring, a soft smile on his face.

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