Shy (xEngineer)

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+Author's Note

...This new match making update.. I like the leveling up feature but I really miss the casual gameplay. It just seems so.. strange? Well that's just my two cents.

It has been a month since the texan came towards you, holding a bouquet of roses.

True, you couldn't make out the incoherent words he was stammering out, but judging by the flushed look on his face, and the beads of sweat rolling down his temple, you were pretty sure you knew what he meant.

Plus the roses kinda gave it away.

So there you had it. That's how you got your new boyfriend. That sweet little texan nearly fainted when you gave a nod of approval.

You walked down the hall, slowly headed towards the garage he usually cooped himself up at. But you bit your lip, trying hard not to speak your mind.

Opening the door with a small creak, you knocked on it once before you stepped in.

"Hey Engie, you in there?"

A small yelp and the clattering of iron tools falling gave you your answer.

Yep, he was there, and yes, you scared him again.

Giving an inward sigh, you walked in, and helped the flustered texan pick up his tools.

Honestly, it was flattering at first. The way he turned red when you came near, how he stammered when he tried to speak with you. Adorable and sweet. That was what he was.

But a month had already passed, and he still hadn't gotten used to you. You and the rest of ths crew were also suprised to see the fierce bulky Texan, the man of 11 PHDs was reduced to nothing but a hot melting mess when it came to a paticular lady mercenary on base.

Picking up the rest of the tools together, he blushed when your hand accidently brushed against his.

Quickly mumuring a word of thanks, he went back to sit in front of his desk, trying to act casual.

Walking up to him, you looked over his shoulder and saw the blue prints he was working on.

"Whatcha working on?"

Dell gave a shudder when he felt your breath against his neck.

"A-Ah'm just w-working on some new sentry d-designs"

He blushed again and you gave a small sigh.

"Ok, well good luck"

You walked out of the garage and Engineer gave a shakey goodbye.

Well, that was pretty much how you two have been talking like for the last month.

Deep in thought, you didn't notice yourself walking into Spy.

"Huh?? Wha-"

You bumped into the Frenchman, and nearly fell down. Quickly grasping your hand, he spun you around and held you in a tango stance, with a romantic look on his face.

"Bonjour mon ami"

You both laughed and you slapped his chest, making him let go of you.

"'Ou seem deep in thought today (Y/n), something troubling 'ou?"

You gave him a knowing look.

He saw your expression and nodded solmenly.

"Ah.. yes.. zhe laborer"

He gestured towards the stairs. You both started heading towards his smoking room for a talk.

"Yeah.. he's still not used to me"

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