Chapter 21

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It had been 3 days since Vince last saw Rue. She didn't come home to him. The first day he called his father. He told his father what happen to him that night and he believed that he was drugged. Tommy made him take a drug test and swabbed him and everything. Tommy even took the pictures that Rue threw at Vince and sent them to be closely observed. He even got the owner of the club to hand over the security tapes. After all of that Tommy yelled at all of the men in the family for letting that happen to Vince. Vince decided not to call the police but to let the family most likely his mother handle Tessia. He showered multiple times that night and he couldn't sleep not with his baby not beside him. He tossed and turned all night. He texted her and called her but she didn't answer. He couldn't stop crying over her. If only she would understand.

The 2nd day he didn't even get up out of bed. He didn't want to. He just stayed in bed and felt the empty space next to him. He missed her warmth and her beautiful smile that she gave him in the morning. He didn't feel like eating but Jessie forced him to eat something. It was like he didn't have any motivation to get up. Rue was his motivation. Jessie slapped him multiple times that day to get him to stop daydreaming. When it got around midnight she gave up. All through that day she had mange to get him up out of the bed and on the couch in the living room. He looked lifeless and sickly. His eyes were highly dull.

Now, it was day three. Still no response from Tommy about the photos and the drug test. His mother on the other hand was tracking Tessia down like a wolf. Gracia had managed to caught her slipping at a KMart. As soon as Gracia found her the women that were with her grabbed her and drug her out the store and kept her held up at an empty warehouse. Waiting for Rue to come and decide her fate. Vince on the other hand hadn't showered and hadn't slept. He had been sitting on the couch all day and night. He couldn't even watch T.V without seeing her face. He would cry like a baby every time he saw her face. His hair grew some more stopping at the middle of his back but his ends were ragged. His eyes stayed puffy. Every Time that Jessie would try talking to him he wouldn't be in his right mind. He would just respond with 'Please, baby...I didn't do it.'

He was going from withdrawal from her. He was craving her. Her lips, her voice, her smile, and her body. He missed her completely.

Day four Tommy finally had gotten the results. He had Rohypnol in his system. He also had notes from the person that closely observed the pictures. He even brought the tape.

"Now, I am going to call your wife this time and ask that she meet us today here. I suggest that you clean yourself up son. And clean all these tissues. Gosh...I've never see you so broken like this. Don't worry your mother has gotten Tessia locked up right now. She is probably torturing the bitch by now." Tommy said taking off his hat and smoothing back his hair. That put a smile on Vince's face. His eyes lit up with joy. He doesn't think he could go another day without Rue. Seeing her beautiful face and hearing her talk to him.

"Thank you pops." Vince finally spoke.

"Shh, Hello Rue I know you said that you would Vince in a week but he has everything together. I was wondering if you would kindly see us a day early." Tommy paused and listen to her answer. "Thank you so much for your decisions. We will see you." Tommy hung up the phone.

"What she say?"Vince ask standing up.

"She would see us in about an hour. So, get this shit cleaned up and put on some damn presentable clothes." Tommy told him. Vince sprung into action and got the place cleaned up. Then he ran upstairs and took a shower. He put on her favorite cologne that he wore and put his hair in a bun. He put on a nike shirt and black pants.

When Rue got their she didn't greet him with a smile but she greeted Tommy with one. She didn't even touch Vince. Vince couldn't even take his eyes off of her for a second. She was wearing one of her maxi dresses that hugged her curves. He could smell her perfume from here. She smelled so good. He gave her a sheepish smile. Rue wanted to hug him but she didn't want to touch him at the same time.

"Lets just have a seat in the living room." Tommy said and led Rue to the living room.

"Well, I'm listening."Rue said sitting on the couch across from Vince and Tommy.

"Vince got drugged Rue. Here is the test results,"Tommy slid the drug test results and the notes and pictures across the table. "There is the notes that my observer made of the those photos."

Rue didn't have any words to say. Her harsh eyes that she gave Vince when she came in went away. She looked at the notes and then noticed. Vince did looked out of it in those photos. He looked passed out. That bitch. Put her hands on her husband.

"That bitch..."Rue spoke.

"We even have the video of the bartender slipping him the drug. She must have been in cahoots with Tessia. Don't worry about Tessia though. After we finish here Gracia wants you to meet her at this address to discuss about the events."

Rue watch the video. Vince had only 2 drinks and whiskey doesn't effect him that much. She looked at Vince who was staring deeply at her. She stood up to go to him and hug him but he was on his knees hugging her legs before she could walk to him.

"Please baby, I would never hurt you just please come back home to me. I need you in my life."Vince pleaded kissing her thigh. Damn, he knew just where to kiss.

"I'm so sorry Vince  that I didn't believe you."Rue cupped Vince's face. He started crying he had missed her touch for so long. He loved the softness in them. She bent down and kissed him on his forehead. Then he kissed her like a starving man.

"Well, I guess I better go. Rue, please call Gracia after you get through here." Tommy said and left.

Vince didn't want to let up. He had miss her lips for 4 days.

"Baby, I don't need you leaving me like this again. Only you can make me feel this way." Vince didn't bother at least get up off the floor. He just kept kissing her and feeling her body. He was kissing all over. Rue didn't bother to push him off she just let him take her. It was a good thing that Jessie was having sleep over her friends house.


"Oh god, I miss how you used to say my name like that."Vince said purring in her ear. "Damnit! I can't function without you. I need you in my system."

Rue ran her fingers through his hair. He kissed her wrist and eventually he got both of their clothes off. Well, one thing lead to another and they ended up making love on the floor. He needed to be in her he needed to be so deep within her that he had no doubt that she would never leave him again. He became an animal when it came to her. He lost all control of his mind.


Rue woke up in a bed and Vince's arms wrapped around her tightly. She looked at her phone it was 7:00 pm. She remembered what happened before she blacked out from her and Vince's love making. He turned over to Vince who was still sleeping she caressed his face with her thumb. He had been crying she could tell and he still from the redness from his nose. He had bags under his eyes too. She sighed and then turned back over to look at her phone. She got a text from Garcia asking her to come to the address as soon as possible. Rue started to get up but Vince pulled her back. He let out a low growl.

"Where are you going?"Vince asked.

"Your mom needs me."Rue said and got up to take a quick shower. After that she put on some sweatpants and a t-shirt. Then she put on some black converse. She grabbed some vaseline and shoved it in her purse.

"You don't have to go Rue."

"Look, you tried to handle that bitch the nice way. Now, It's time to do it my way." Rue said then she left. Vince sat up in the bed and watched her go he would leave the situation her hands now.

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