Chapter 12

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After everything that happen in the living room Rue had to take a shower. After that shower she paced the floor. Trying to figure her feelings out. Damn, Vince got her fucked up in her head.

'What the hell happen there Rue?' Rue said to her self in her head. 'If he would have licked me any longer I would have lost my ever loving mind.' Rue kept pacing but he got faster and faster.

'Was that love or lust? It was lust but was there a since of love?' Rue kept thinking in her head. She had to sleep she just had too. but something stopped her the T.V. It was CNN it had been another police shooting. Another black man on the ground in his own pool of blood.

"Damn pigs!" Rue stated. She stood with her fist clenched she cried angry tears. "Why can't they just let us be?"

Vince had walked in his hair was still damp and he had on a v-neck t-shirt and some jogging pants. Rue had on a PJ set. A long sleeve Snoopy T-Shirt and sleeping pants. But she didn't look adorable she looked highly pissed.

He had looked at the T.V another black man had been shot to death execution style. Up close and personal.  The video that they showed on CNN was graphic. The death took place in Birmingham, Alabama. The people in Birmingham started to riot cars were exploding, stores had been destroyed, and there were a line of police waiting for them. Some of the police officers were black and they cried silent tears. They wanted to protest along side their brothers and sisters but they also had families, kids, and loved ones at home awaiting for them to come back.

"This country is being torn apart by bullshit they call an election between the most shady people. One is a lunatic and the other one just can't be trusted. An you have these dirty cops killing innocent people." Vince said as he stood along side Rue.

"Watch they are going to dig up dirt on this man," Rue said. "Its not going to be long till we hear from that blonde bitch who claims that her opinions are facts. And claims that black people are the blame for their own suffering."

"Rue what do you think about this relationship? You know about me being Italian and you being Black, but I am still considered a white man...I think." Vince asked in curiosity.

"Vince, love doesn't have a color. You are human just like me we feel the same things. Happiness, sadness, anger, depression, love, and lust. Love is blind Vince. I don't care that you are Italian I have gotten to know you for you at thats all that matters." Rue told him.

"Rue, i'm sorry for all the pain that I've caused you. I'm sorry for everything." Vince held her hand and kissed it. "You have the most beautiful chocolate skin I have ever touched. It glistens every time a little once of light or water touches it. Our hand wrapped around one another makes it look like poetry."

"First you lick me till I almost loose my mind and now you are saying these sweet things. You are something else Vince." Rue said. "But in the morning I have some business to handle. First thing in the morning I have to get to the studio and raise some money for these families. At least enough to put their kids through collage."

"You're the sweetest w0man I've ever met I think." Vince said. "I'm mean other than my mother of course."

"I'm going to sleep, I'm pretty tired." Rue said turning around claiming in the bed. Vince started to climb in too but she stop him. "Ohh noo, after that stunt you pulled down stairs I think you have had enough of touching my skin today. You should sleep in your room tonight." Said and pushed him back he flexed his muscles in the process.

"What is with you refusing to cuddle with me?"

"Goodnight Vince." Rue rolled over.

"Night baby." Vince walked out the room closing the door.

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