Chapter 38: Isabella Cullen

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I head straight for the woods, I open my link to the pack to see who was phased with me and what they had achieved so far "Who is phased?"

"Me, Jared, Seth, Leah and Embry" Paul answered, I sniffed around hoping for a scent, one had to be close by; she was at his house. There was no way the scent could of disappeared.

"Have you guys found anything so far?" I asks, I stayed near the Black's house, sniffing around the edge of the forest. I had to pick up some sort of scent.

"We chased her over to the Cullen's home" Seth piped in, I let out a snort as I watched from their mind Bella stopping in front of the house with a smirk upon her face; it dropped when Paul growled and lunges at her, he landed on top of Bella, snapping his jaw near her face. I wince a little as I watched her throw him off her and into a tree before running away and into the sea.

"Are you okay Paul?" Paul was like another brother to me, to see him get hurt was awful to see.

"I'm fine Jessy bear" I let out a breath "We need to focus on this right now, the bitch hurt an imprint"

"I know" I shot back, I calmed myself a little. I needed to pull myself together if I wanted to find Isabella I need to focus and dig into my inner wolf.

"Can't believe the Cullen's would allow this" Seth says.

I shook my head at his comment "They never had control over her Seth" I replayed the scene of me telling Edward about Bella being killed, he said they would be able to control her. . . It doesn't look like it from where we are standing.

She was been hunted.

"He was stupid" Jared pipes in.

"Tell me about. I am glad Jacob got over her and imprinted" Paul says.

"I may not like the idea of imprinting" Leah butted in "But I am glad it showed him her true colors"

I was about to add on to the conversation, when the smell of leech entered my nose. I cringed and let out a howl, telling the past my location. The rest of the wolves phased in and join us "Jake, you stay close to Maddy, I know it will make you feel better"

"Thank you sis"

"Right guys. Lets do this" I followed the scent deeper into the woods, I was soon joined by Sam, Leah and Paul.

"Hello Jessica!" Someone sneered, I look up to see Bella standing on a branch "How is your dear cousin, is she ready for round two"

I growled, my claws dug into the ground "Easy Jess" Sam says to me "Think this through"

I let out another growl and took a step forward "You can't get me from up here Jessy" She cooed, I roll my eyes.

"Wanna bet" I thought, I knew she couldn't hear me, Sam's mind went to the day we met, I had taken that vampire down from a tree. This was just two easy, Bella was a new and inexperience vampire. I doubt she hardly thought it threw in coming back here for one girl. . . One girl who is surrounded by wolves, talk about suicide mission.

"Move back guys" I ordered them and positioned myself in the right angle "Attack once she is on the ground" I let out a snarl and crouched to the ground.

"What are you doing mutt?" She asks tilting her head to a side. . That head was going to be de-attached from her body in a matter of moment.

I took a breath and jumped in to the air, just like last time I got my target. The others rushed over as Bella landed on the ground, I managed to tore of her arms; she screams in pain.

I saw rage grow in her eyes, she kicks me off. I crashed into Paul, who was behind me; before long Bella fought away Sam and Leah, she looks a me with a smirk "Time for round two" My body shook with anger, all I could see was red. Bella picks up her arm and runs away with me on her tail, she was not getting my sister.

I tailed her to the edge of the woods; we were near Jacob's and Maddison was inside. I heard Jacob growl at the smell of Bella "Go to Maddy" I tell him.

Bella screams as she sees Jacob look right at her and enter his house, I pop my head out of the tree line. Bella was right in front of me and she was distracted. I slowly walk closer to her, hoping to stay quite enough to get a good pounce in. However, that didn't happen as Maddie came storming out of the house; she was screaming at Jacob.

She pauses once her eyes catch sight of me and Bella, her body began to tremble in fear. I growled at the sight of my scared cousin and jump on Bella. I was once again was thrown from her and she retreats back to the forest.

"Baby it's fine" Jacob whispers softly to her "She's gone back into the forest"

I walk over to Maddy and rub my snout again her "Go find her and kill her" A shutter ran through my body Maddy had just given me and Alpha order. . . It wouldn't work on me but it was impossible. I shook my thoughts aside and headed back to the forest but sudden freeze in my place at the sound of Maddy crying out.

I turn my head to see her crumbling to the ground, screaming in pain. I hesitated in leaving my cousin, my ears flatten and a whimper left my mouth as Maddy's screams got louder. . . What on earth was happening?

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