Chapter 31: In A Spot Of Trouble

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My vision became clear the further I got away from the mall, still my anger was beyond what I have ever felt before.

It must be my guardian wolf side that was holding on to the threats that had been made. That stupid girl has no clue who she was messing with; if she did the leech lover would have kept her mouth shut like her vampire sister did.

It kind of made me wonder how long she would last once changed... Not very long if she is here when it happens; As from right now me and my wolf classes her as a threat and must be taken care off.

I growled lowly as my paws thundered through the woods, knocking everything in my path. I had no clue where I was heading all that I knew was that I had crossed the treaty line and I couldn't care less. Once I was through with the Cullen's this land would be ours.

I arrived at the Cullen's house, my claws dug into the ground as I watched the leader leech and his wife on front step looking out at there surrounding; both had warm smile upon there faces.

Smiles that I want to wipe off and see in a pile of ash. I growled at myself, no I didn't really want that; taking a little step back. I look over at the vampire family, I took a deep breath and calmed myself down... No killing today Jessica.

My anger slowly went away and I felt myself regain control. My ears pricked at the sound of a car, my eyes darkened and my paws moved forward. I heard as gasp, I move my eyes from the car to look at the two parents.

"Your not meant to be here" He spoke up and narrowed his eyes at me "You have broke the treaty" He stood up and walks into the house.

I snorted... Me broke the treaty, one of his threatened an imprint and my cousin. And I won't allow that.

My focused all my attention on the women that threatened my cousin, by now the whole Cullen clan had made there way out of the house and where staring down at me.

"Which one is it?" The blonde women asked or more like sneered.

The leader vampire made his was out of the house with a grim expression on his face "It's Jessica" He mumbles, I felt his gaze on me making me turn to him. I let out a growl and refocused my attention on Bella.

Kill her

Rip her apart

She's a threat

I held myself back just enough to stop myself from going through with what my mind was telling me "Why are you saying that Bella is a threat?" Edward asks, my body tenses and my claw buried into the ground.

"Because" My head snapped up at the voice behind me "She is" Sam says walking over to me and rubbed my head "I've been so worried about you" I let out a whimper and gave him a quick lick.

"I am not" Bella protest, I turn away from Sam and snapped my jaw.

"You threatened her cousin" Sam pointed out.

"And my IMPRINT" Jacob growled out, taking a step forward. The leader leech gasped at the information, he knew how we treasured our imprints.

"Bella" He says looking to the young women in disappointment "Why would you say something like that?"

"Are you trying to get yourself killed" The blonde women snapped at her sister.

"They wouldn't harm me" She smirked a little looking over at Jacob, I growl and phased back not caring about been naked in front off everyone... The bitch needed to be told.

"You little bitch" I snapped and got right in her face, Edward tried to move Bella away however, he jumped back when I snarled at him "You have NO idea what you just walk into"

"Your meant to protect human's so you can hurt me" I rolled my eyes at her, she was just plain stupid.

"Doesn't mean we couldn't slip up" I snapped at her my body began to shake once more but I wasn't giving into the change. "And not to worry your not going to human long" I smirked at her, Bella face paled "I mean you did threaten Maddison" I began walking around her looking her up and down "Once I'm changed I'm coming for you" I sneered "I think your words were"

"Bella!" The Cullen's gasped.

"She stole Jake" She shrieked out, stomping her foot like a child not getting her own way "He hasn't call once and it's because of that tramp" Jacob rushes over and pushes Bella to the ground.

Bella stares up at him with wide and fearful eyes "Jakey"

"Don't you ever dare talk about my imprint like that" His body shook, I place my hand on his arm and gently push him over to Sam.

I point to the woods "I'll be right with you baby" Sam nods and pulls Jacob into the woods, only minutes later did I hear the sound off shredding clothes.

I turn my head toward the Cullen; mainly the leader leech "I want you off this land and out of Fork" I darkly spoke, I felt power drip off my tongue.

My role as guardian wolf had come into play and it wanted the threat to go or to be taken care off. I'm a nice person and I was offering the Cullen's a chance "If you ever return I will rip you all apart"

He nods and steps backwards "We will be gone by the end of the week"

I shook my head "You have a few hours" I says turning my back on them and walking to the forest "I'll will be back to see if your gone or not"

"I understand"

"You better" I growled out, turning my head to look at them "I don't give second chances" I glared once more at Bella before shifting to meet up with Sam and Jacob.

I could hear the sound of the stupid brat complaining that it wasn't fair but I could care less. My wolf finally felt calm and hopefully I just saved more boys from phasing.

Maybe we could just get on with our life without all the drama..... I hope.

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