Chapter 10: A Morning With Him

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I rolled over in my bed and accidentally smacked into something rock hard, I gasped in pain and rubbed my head. I opened my tired eyes to see Sam smirking at me "Well I say that's a lovely way to wake up" He chuckled "Don't you think baby?" I gave out a soft growl and climb over him to leave the bed. But Sam had other plans as he grabbed my waist and pulled me back on top of him "Where is my morning kiss?" He questioned.

"Not until we've both brushed our teeth" I cheeky replied jumping from his grasp and ran to my draw, pulling out some clothes then head to the bathroom "See you in a bit, Sammy" I heard him groan, making me smirk, boys and their hormones.

After my quick shower, I dressed and pulled my long brown hair into a high pony tail, then left the room and headed down stairs to the kitchen, where I smelt Sam. My imprint turns to look at me "Now can I have my kiss" He pouted like a two year old, rolling my eyes I pulled him closer, placing my lips onto his.

"Morning" I say pulling away but not before pecking him on the cheek "What's for breakfast?" I asked looking over at the frying pan.

"My famous chocolate pancake" My stomach growled, I really couldn't wait to taste those "Here baby" He placed a plate of six pancakes in front of me before starting his own. I cut one with my fork and popped it in my mouth, groaning at the flavor "Like them?"

"God, Sam these are amazing" I moaned.

Sam smirked at me "Don't moan to loud people might get the wrong idea, then again I wouldn't mind at all" He chuckled deeply, my heart pounded within my check and I just knew I was a blushing tomato.

"Shut up" I muttered, tucking back into my food without making a sound this time, soon Sam joined me and silence filled the room "Where are Billy and Jacob?" I asked not hearing anyone else apart from us.

"Oh, Billy's fishing with chief Swan" He says then his face had the hint of disgust "Jake is with leech lover" He spat, my eyes widen in surprise at his attitude.

"Leech lover?"

"Bella Swan, she's in love with one of the Cullen's and our dear Jacob is in love with her" He says then goes into detail of what happened during the time the Cullen's left. And let me tell you what he told me, made me strongly dislike the girl, Jacob is so sweet and she throw him away like trash, but the poor last still goes back to the bitch and now the Cullen's are in deep trouble with rouge vampire. She's making a newborn army and leading them here, meaning the pack have to help which is unnatural teaming up with your enemies. I know for one thing, that I'll do anything in my power to keep my pack and imprint safe.

"I'll do every thing in my power to help you and the pack baby" I cooed pulling him into a hug "No one is going to get hurt on my watch, and if there do let me tell you, Bella will be getting a mouth full from me, that's for sure" Sam laughed softly, pulling out of my hold and stared deeply at me, his gorgeous brown eyes held love with a hint of lust.

"I've known you for a couple of days now" Sam sighed placing his forehead against mine "What would I do without you?" His arms make there way around me "I'm certain I would still fall in love you if we didn't turn into wolves, fate still would of brought you to me" he pulled me into a passionate kiss, before pulling away breathless "You are forever mine Miss Evans" I smiled at his sweetness.

"Forever baby" I replied, leaning in to kiss him, however just as I was about to connect our lips Sam's phone went off, making me groan; Sam let out a small chuckle and pull his phone out, he looks at the text then to me.

"How would you feel about hanging with the pack at the beach?"

"Sound perfect" I reply cleaning my plate and headed to my room to change for the beach. Time to get to know my new pack brothers.

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