Chapter 3: Pack Meeting

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Billy POV

I had called a pack meeting, along with the elders of the tribe to tell them the wonderful news of a newly shifted Guardian wolf looking for her imprint. Part of me wishes she could find her soul mate here, this pack needs a lot of help and guidance especially with Charlie Swan daughter knowing about vampires and dating one. Which is rather disturbing. Not only that she knows about the pack, thanks to Paul and my idiot son. He just couldn't keep away, well I couldn't blame him. Bella was going through depression thanks to the Cullen boy, however they returned to Fork a month ago and Bella crawled back to Edward, leaving Jacob broken. Now the pack have been pulled into fighting a newborn army in a couple of weeks. So yeah, she could be really big help. The legend says if she befriended a tribe they could call upon her, I guess there is still a chance she would help out if we asked her.

The front door opened and entered the pack, the boys hollered and laughed at whatever has been going on "Boys if you would please quite down" Sue Clearwater kindly asked placing herself on the sit next to me. She was new to the council, her husband Harry had just died, due to a heart attack cause by the redheaded vampire the pack and Cullen have been after. We believe that the army is her doing in order to get revenge. Sue's son and surprisingly daughter phased after finding out about the lost of their father, it was Leah who phased first, she thought it was her fault. Minutes later Seth followed, he thinks it's great be able to turn into a huge wolf unlike the others.

"Sorry" They replied and place themselves on the floor or on empty seats that were left.

"So Billy" Sam the current alpha spoke "What is this news you wanted to tell us all?"

"We this morning I got a phone call" I say looking at each of the boys "A girl by the name of Jessica Evans is coming to live here for a month"

"Here? As in this house?" Jacob interrupted.

"Yes son" I replied.

"And you want us to keep clear from the house so she doesn't find out" Sam guessed, I sighed will these boys let me talk.

"How about you both shut up so he can explain" The hot head of the Paul snapped. I smiled grateful at him, this lad is going to be my son - in - law one day. I was rather taken back when he imprinted on my Rachel but he's good to her, the poor lad is just misjudged. He has a ass of a dad and no mother how else was he suppose to act after spend his time around all that.

"Thank you Paul. Anyway she's special, she's a wolf too. However her bloodline is different, only males phase but every 10 years a girl from the Evans line phases and become a guardian wolf" I explained.

"Guardian wolf?" Sam questioned confused as was the rest of the pack, while the elders looked interested.

"Yes, she looks out for a pack but she first must find her imprint. It is then she will stay by his side and help guide his pack when needed" I look over the boys faces and saw an uncertain look on there faces.

"So your telling us that if this girl imprints on one of us she stays and helps guide us" Sam says.

"Yes" was all I could say, I knew some might not take it well NOT everyone wanted to imprint. "Paul, Jared and Quil already have imprints but you, Jake, Seth and Embry might have a possible chance off been her imprint. Then again you might not, she's been to a load of different tribes already and hasn't found him"

"Why does she have to search for her imprint?" Embry asked.

"It's part of been the guardian wolf. It is told her wolf is pure white for a pure soul, she is skilled in fighting it's drilled straight into her mind after her first shift. She will know different ways of taking down a vampire. She will be smart and strong, also be the size of an alpha and will fight for her love and pack till the death. She would die for her love and her pack brothers" I finished, the pack stared at me in shock.

"Wow, she sounds awesome" Seth exclaims, I shook my head in amusement typical Seth.

"Will she help with the newborn?" Sam asked but looked like he wanted to say more.

"Yes, she will. Even if she isn't an imprint, she will help" Sam nodded and looked to his pack.

"When will she be arriving? How will we meet together to see if any of us imprint on her?" Lots of questions there.

"She going to call when she lands as the airport isn't far, also with meeting you lot is up to you. We will be holding a bonfire to welcome her though, so if you haven't met her by then you will see her there" I looked around the room "anymore questions"

"No Billy" The group answered

"Right then go back to whatever you were doing before I called you" The group left as well as the elders apart from Sue.

"I hope one of the lads imprint" She says with a small smile.

"Me too Sue, me too" I rolled into the living room waiting for Jessica to call.

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