Chapter 27: Party Time!

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The party had finally started and my parent still haven't arrived, however I didn't let that get to me. I knew they would show soon; that and Sam telling me they wouldn't be long with my surprise. A smile grew on my face as the thoughts of what it could of been entered my mind.

I mingled with the pack and their families, I notice Leah standing with her mother by the door and quickly made my way over to them, smiling at the guest I pasted by "Sue" I smiled wide as the women brought me into her arms, pulling out of them I turn to Leah... My pack sister.

Shocking both of us and maybe the other around us Leah brought me into her arms "Happy Birthday Jess" I beamed at her as we pulled apart.

"Thank you" I say running my hands through my hair "Oh and thank you for the dress" Both women smile at me "Sam said you picked it out" I say looking down at my dress "I have to say you both have amazing taste"

"We are glad you like it dear" Sue says with a bright smile "It was Leah who found it"

I turn to Leah "Well hun you have fantastic taste" I winked at her, looking at what she was wearing; she wore a strap less blue, knee length dress "You look beautiful too Leah"

A blush appeared on her face "Thank you Jess" I let out a little laugh, glad we were finally getting along like pack mate should.

"Jess" I hear my name been called I look over my shoulder to see Sam waving me over.

"My mate awaits" I dreamily says making the girls laugh "Once again thanks for the dress and thank you for coming" I pulled both of them into another hug "Bye enjoy the party" I says moving away from them and towards my imprint.

"Hey baby" He says bringing me into his arms.

"Hey" I reply inhaling his sent.

"Come on" I raised an eyebrow at him as he held out his hand "Your parents are here with your surprise" My face lit up and I happily accepted his hand. Sam lead me through the house and to the front porch, where my mother and father were standing side by side.

"Happy birthday dear" Both of them say. I rush forward and hug my parents, my father places a kiss upon my forehead as my mother kisses my cheek "Are you ready for you surprise"

I nod my head "Been waiting all day" My parents moved to a side revealing my closest cousin/sister.

I squealed running over to her, together we both fell to the ground, laughing our heads off.

"Jessica" We pull away from the hug and help one another of the ground "Happy birthday cuz"

"Thanks" I smiled wide, my face was beginning to hurt from smiling so much "I can't believe your here" I once again squealed "How long are you staying?"

"Well your mother and me have spoken to her parents" My father started looking over at my mother.

"They said she can stay as long as she wants" My mother beamed "They know she will be safe" I nod and look over at my cousin then to my imprint, I rush over to him and plant my lips on his.

"I'm so glad you didn't give into telling me Sam" I heard my parent and cousin laugh, I move from his arms and go over to Madison and grab her arm, pulling her with me to Sam "Maddy this is my imprint Sammy"

"She knows?" Sam asked.

"Yeah" I sheepishly look to the ground "I kind off phased in front of her when I was training for my control.

"Kind off" Maddy laugh "I nearly had a heart attack, thank you very much" I laughed at her, she was always a joker.

"Hey Jess" I heard the voice of Jake walking out of the house "Come sis it's almost time for cake and fo-" He paused, his muscle tensed and a smile word it's way upon his lips as he stared my cousin in the eyes.

I mentally cheered. . . . . Jacob had imprinted and that means Bella had no hold over the pack anymore.

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