Chapter 21: Jacob

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Time passed by, I slowly healed. Sam made it his mission to keep me on bed rest for as long as he could but eventually I had enough; resulting in our first argument.

Which I won, still we both felt awful towards each other, which ended in us having our first time together; it was so magical. I never imagined my first time with my soul mate would be after a fight but I wouldn't change it for the world. After that night our bond had grew stronger, the way I feel his emotions were stronger then anyone else in the pack.

Which has it advantages but also its disadvantages.

The pack have been doing their own things these day, not much vampire action about; we still have shifts but shorter hours. We also haven't heard from the Cullen's and Bella which was upsetting my brother and angering me. She could at least check up on him; we did put our lives at risk for her.

I walked down stairs and into Sam's kitchen, my imprint was stood over the cooker making pancakes. I slowly walk over to him and snake my arms around his waist and place a few kisses on his shoulders "Morning handsome"

Sam turns his head to face me, he leans forwards and presses his soft lips onto mine "Morning beautiful" I gave him a sweet smile "Why don't you go sit down and I'll bring your breakfast over"

"Okay" I gave him another kiss before unwrapping my arms and head for the table; Sam came over in no time with two plate stacked with ten pancake, my tummy growled in delight at the another of food been brought over "Thank you Sammy" I says as he places mine in front of me.

"Your welcome Jessy" He takes his place next to me "Now eat up" He says stabbing his fork into the pile. We ate in silence enjoy the taste of the pancakes.

I went to pick up my sixth pancake; when I felt a jolt of pain run through my lift side of my body. Sam head snap up at the sound of my fork falling from my hand. I crumbled to the floor, my hands pressed above my heart. Sam rushes over to me as I began whimpering..... What was going on?

"Baby" I heard Sam call but i couldn't reply as the pain was too much "Jess" He whined, this caught my attention, tears made there way out of my eyes and down my cheeks.

"Breath baby, breath" He muttered, taking me into his arms and pressed me against his chest "Do you need your medication" I shook my head.

"No" I whimpered "It's not me" My mind went blank for a moment, searching for the answer... I screamed my body shook it was the kind of pain I felt when phasing.

"JESSICA!!!!" My imprint screams.

Something isn't right, this pain is too much......This pain was from someone in the pack, I closed my eyes hoping to find which member it was.

"JACOB!" I shout, I shot up from my spot and ran to the back down, ready to phase but was stopped by Sam.

"Baby you can't phase yet"

"But he needs me" I whimpered, just as I said that a sad howl filled the air.... My poor brother.

"I'll grab the guys and find out what is going on" I slowly nod my head and gave a kiss and headed back into the house; my feeling told me that Jake was going to be away for a while.

And I bet it was that stupid Bella Swans fault..... Just wait until I get my hands on her.

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