Chapter 35: I Do

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It had been 6 months since Sam asked me to marry and today was the day I was becoming Mrs Jessica Uley. I couldn't believe it, after all that planning and preparing it was finally happening.

My mother and me slept over at the Clearwater's with the other girls, whiles dad joined Sam and the other lads at mine and Sam's home. I sat on the chair looking at myself in the mirror, I was so nervous, my hands where shaking a little.

I had no clue why I was, I knew Sam would not leave me due to the imprint bond but still, every girl has a right to be nervous on her wedding day. I smiled as my mother walks into the room, she leans down and places a kiss on my forehead "That's from your father" she whispers.

I let out a breath and turn my attention back to the mirror, I place a couple of slides in my hair and let the rest hanging down, curling at the ends. I nod to my mother telling her I was ready, she grabs my hand and together we walk down stairs to where my maid of honor; Maddison and my braids maids; Leah and Rachel where waiting.

"How do I look?" I shyly asked, looking anywhere but the girls and Sue.

"Oh, my dear" Sue gasped and rushes forward bring me into a hug "You look beautiful"

"Sam's going to drop to the floor at the sight of you sis" Maddy says giving me a hug.

"Tell me about it" Leah snickered, I roll my eyes at her and look to Rachel. Over the last 6 months I have become close to her along with Paul. He was my favorite wolf after Sam and Jake.

Rachel let out a little sob "Your going to knock him dead sister" I let out a laugh and hugged her, pulling away I let out a breath "You ready?" Rachel asks staring me in the eyes.

I nod my head "Yes" I whispered, we walked out of the house and jumped into Paul's jeep, that he lent Rachel.

At The Beach

We pulled up at the beach parking lot and exited the car, I slowly step out of the car carefully not to ruin my dress. I was met with the sight of my father "Oh, Jess" He whispers, tears collect in his eyes, he moves closer to me and kisses me on the cheek "Beautiful" He smiles and offers me his arm "We better get going Sam can't wait to see you"

I let out a giggle at my soon to be husband patients "Me either daddy" I beamed up at him "I can't believe it's finally happening"

"Tell me about it" I heard him sniff, making me snap my attention to him "I fell like I am loosing you baby" He croaks out, letting out a chuckle "However you mother told me that I wasn't" He took a breath "Instead I was gaining a son"

"You should listen to her" I tell him, I wrap my arms around him and buried my head into his chest "You will never lose me" I whispered, I pull away from him and used my hand to wipe away his tears "Now lets do this"

Me and my father watch as the braid maids and my maid of honor walk on the beach and down aisle. The music began to play, it was then I realized it was my turn, I took a deep breath and began walking down the aisle. I held tightly on to my father to keep myself from falling, but that left my mind as soon as I made eye contact with Sam.

He was so handsome in his suite, along side him was my brother Jacob. I was shocked when he picked Jake, I thought he would of gone with Jared or Paul but he told me that Jake was important to me and wanted him up there with for me.

I swear when he told me I cried my eyes out; I was a blubbering mess.

I shook out of my thoughts once I felt my father kiss my cheek "Look after her" My father says facing Sam.

"With my life" Sam answers, My father smiles and nods the places my hand into his before walking to his sit.

We both smile at one another then faced Billy Black the tribe chief "We are here today to join Samuel Uley former Alpha of the pack to this beautiful women Jessica Evans Guardian of the pack" It was lucky we didn't invite any people who doesn't know about wolves or this would be a shocker. "The spirits had brought you together binding you both with the imprint bond, we pray to then and hope that you will live a nice long life together as one and will carry on your legacy with children" Billy smiles brightly at us "I believe our young wolves have wrote their own vows"

I turn to Sam "Samuel Uley, I could not believe the first time I laid my eyes upon you, I had lost all hope in finding my imprint and when it did happen I was excited and overjoyed" I took a breath "You where everything I was looking for and more, I will love you until the day I die, I will do everything in my power to make you happy and one day become the mother of your children" I croaked out, tears fell from my eyes "I love you with all my heart Sam"

"Oh Jess" Sam sniffs before clearing his throat "Jessica Evan, when I became a wolf I thought my life had ended, I couldn't do the stuff that I wanted to and I was all alone been the first one to phase. Time went by and other began to phase, however something was missing; that something was you" I let out a sob at his words "You are everything to me, you will always be everything to me and I can't wait to have a family with you my beautiful Jess. I too love you with all my heart baby girl"

We both stare at each other not caring what was going on "With this ring I wed thee" Billy spoke up, both me and Sam repeated his words "By the power of a chief and with the spirits of the tribe I now pronoun you husband and wife"

Without waiting for the next bit Sam smashes his lips onto mine "You may now kiss the bride" He mumbles earning chuckles from the family.

"Congrats Mr & Mrs Uley" Everyone cheered, I let out a laugh. . . I couldn't be happier. We spend the rest of the night partying around a bonfire, my parents told soon embarrassing stories about me and Maddison after having a couple of drinks, there was a ton of food to dig into and music.

It couldn't of being any better, before long it was time to leave for our honeymoon. We had both agreed to stay close in case the pack needed us but a great distance away for us to have a great time.

Sam had bought a cabin deep within the woods. . . How exciting.

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