Chapter 24: A Vampire Wedding

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It was the day of Bella Swans wedding the pack have been a pack of nerves over the last few hours, today or any other day could be the day the Cullen's changed her.

I was invited to go with Billy and Jake but I declined, how could I go to a vampire wedding; the smell would be too much, but not only that they had hurt my brother and Bella doesn't seemed to care at all. She finally getting what she wanted. I don't think she realizes he can't change her here and once changed they wouldn't be allowed near our area for years. And by the time she comes back everyone she knew and supposedly loved will be dead.

How could she really choose a life like that? Drinking only blood, trying to control her thirst, I doubt she would even feel guilty about sucking a human dry, the taste would probably be over welling for her and then there would be a dangerous vamp on the loose.

I called earlier at the Cullen's for permission to be on their land for Jake to see Bella and for us to keep watch on him, the doctor leech told us we could and that Bella would love to see him. I didn't really agree with this but Jake wanted to see her one last time as a human... With a warm heartbeat he says.

I tell you something, there is nothing warm about that girl. This wedding seemed more like a goodbye to human life. It's probably one of the reason he hadn't changed her yet, she gets to see her human family before the changed. If I was Edward I would hope the get together would changed her mind but Bella is a stubborn girl.

"Lets move out" Sam ordered the group "Leah, Quil and Embry" He called out "I want you three to mind our lands and watch out for our families"

"I'll walk with Jake, Sam" I look to my imprint, he walks towards me and pulls me into his arms.

"I love you" He mumbled, before I could answer he placed his lips on mine, I returned the kiss; I pulled away at the sound of someone protesting.

"Not in front of me please" Jake whined, making me giggle "Do I have to play the older brother card?" He says glaring at Sam, my imprint raises his hands in surrender.

"I'll meet you there" He kisses my forehead before heading off to the woods with the others, I turn to Jake and gave him a sad smile, he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair messing it up a little.

"Everything is going to be okay" I say taking a step toward him, I flattened his hair and laid my hand on his arm and used my thumb to stroke it hoping to keep him calm.

"No it's not, she's going to be like them" He growled, and clenched his fists "Why would she choose that life? She has her parents, friends... Me" He shook his head sadly.

"I don't know what makes that girl tick Jake" I replied softly "But this is her decision, and it's wrong, but the girl won't change her mind" I spoke calm trying not to set him off, Bella was a big deal to him and this was affecting him in ways that I would feel about my imprint; however Bella isn't one and we've been through that. We've been in his mind and the thoughts of Bella are just brought from his childhood crush he once had.

He will eventually move on when his imprint appears. I know she's out there, we all have one. Imprinting isn't as rare at the tribe leaders think. If I had the power I would search for his imprint and bring him to her to meet but sadly I don't know who will imprint on who.

"I'm ready" He says taking a deep breath, I grab his arm and link my through his and together we began walking to the Cullen's backyard.

"Now stay calm brother" I cooed placing a kiss on to his cheek "We will be over in the bushes if you need us" I pushed him forward "Now go say your congratulations and goodbyes"

"I can do this" He mumbled to himself, I shook my head... Poor lad.

"Jake" Bella squealed, making me cringed, I tuned them out giving them some privacy, I doubt the guys were doing the same.

"Jake get off me" I growled and ran to Jake; meeting the vampire and Bella.

"Jakey let go" I growled warning him, he growled back. I sighed and walked towards him.

"Jessica get back from him" Sam pleaded, I look over at him and shook my head. He needed me, even if he wanted to push me away. Jake needed his sister.

"Jake" I whispered, I snaked my arms around him, Jake let go of Bella and clung on to me; like a cub would do to it mother "Remember what we talked about?" I asked.

Jake stiffened but nods "It was her choice" He whimpered, making my heart break, I pulled my heart broken brother away from the married couple. Sam and Jared walked forward taking Jake from my grip "No Jessy" He whined, I gave him a sad smile and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"I'll be right with you, I promise" I cooed, stroking his face then turned to Bella and Edward as Jake was pulled into the forest away from them.

"Thank you" Edward says to me.

"I didn't do it for you or her" I spat, my glare pierced through the couple; Bella cringed at the look "Don't forget you are aloud to change her but once it's done you leave forever" I growled my guardian power seeping through as I spoke.

This power was to obeyed.

"No, you can't do that?" Bella spoke up "I have my father here"

"You should of thought of that when you decided what you wanted" I snapped, Edward brought his wife closer to him "You either have your father and your friends and live in forks or do what you wanted and leave this place"

"Edward she can't" She protested to her husband.

"I'm sorry Bella, but we have to through with the leave or we will be killed by her and the pack" Bella shook her head, not believing what was been said.

"Like I said on the phone, the treaty isn't going to change because one little human isn't happy with her life" I told her, my body had begun to shake the smell of vampires was getting too much. And to top it all of Bella was getting on my nerves.

"We can changed the treaty" She says.

I laughed at her "No we can't, that treaty has been there for since the first wolf was in La push" I told her and look to Edward "I need to go before the big bad wolf comes out" I smiled a little "Have a lovely wedding and a wonderful dead life"

"Jessica!" Bella screamed but I ignored her and headed home to my pack, imprint and heartbroken brother.

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