Chapter 25: The Next Step

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Jake finally came to his senses, he knew it was over. A part of me told me that Jake still had a little hope left but not enough to drive him crazy, like he was before.

Sam and the pack were playing football; whiles me and the other imprints sat and watched. A mile away on a long log sat Jake, Seth and Leah. I heard Jake telling the two how he was going to enjoy ripping Edwards head off if the time called for it. Sam interrupt him and told him that the Cullen's will be long gone once Bella's changed; like always the doctor Cullen would stick to his word.

I turn my attention to Rachel and Kim, both girls have become my best friends and even with me been a werewolf; it sometimes feels like I was the one imprinted one and not both ways "What do you have planned for the future with Paul?" Kim spoke up looking towards Rachel.

Rachel blushed a little and turned her head to look at Paul then back at us "Well, right now me and Paul are happy as we are" She paused a moment "But we both talked about moving in together and getting married" She smile wide and sighed "Maybe have a couple of kids"

That sounded perfect to me.

"What about you two?" She questioned, I bit my lips and thought hard about the question.... What did we want? It would be just the same as Rachel and Paul really; I mean we can't leave the La Push until the threat is gone or we stop phasing.

"Same as you" Kim answered with a smile, I nodded in agreement and turn my attention back over at my imprint; my thoughts lingered on living with him and been married, or first child. What would he/she look like? Who will he/she act like?

I sighted in content at the image of a baby smiling up at me and Sam, he/she depending on us til the age of 18 or older. Sam caught my eye and sent me a wink, I blushed and looked away from him.

"Jessy" Sam called, picking up his bag, telling me it was time to leave. I stood up and picked up my blanket, folding it up and placed it in my own bag.

"Girls" I says looking at them both "Time for me to go" Both of them stood up and pulled me into a hug.

"Bye Jess" They both says picking up they own blanket and going over to they imprints. I turned on my heel and walk to Sam; who was waiting for me by Jake, Seth and Leah.

Sam pulls me into his arms as I reached him, over his shoulder I saw Leah look away, I felt sorry for the girl sometimes but she does know how to anger me "Lets go back to mine" He whispers, I shutter in response.

"Guys" Jake moaned, I let out a giggle and pull out of Sam's arms and into his "Bye Jessy" He placed a kiss on my cheek.

"Bye Jake" I nod to Seth and Leah before gripping Sam hand and headed to his. As we arrived I pulled out my phone and texted my parents to let them know I was out for the night. Not like that would be a shock to them I've been here nearly every night since we imprinted, it was hard to sleep without him.

I took of my jacket and hung it up along with my bag, I'll sort my blanket out in the morning right now was mine and Sam's time.

Sam smiles and moves toward me, his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him. I was pinned to his chest as his fingers began stroking under my shirt along my hips, I pull away from him and stared at him. His eyes were full of love with a hint of lust. I groaned as he began kissing across my neck below my jaw line, before placing a sensational kiss upon my lips.

I moaned as he deepened the kiss, his tongue begged for entrance but I denied earning a growl from him. He pushed me into the wall, and his hand move to my butt, he squeezed it lightly making me gasp giving him the entrance he needed "You" Kiss "Naughty" Kiss "Boy" I moaned out, I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Oh god Jessy" He moaned at the closeness of our bodies, he pulled away from me. I tilted my head in confusion, he stared intensely into my eyes "Move in with me?"

I stared at him with wide eyes.... Did he just says what I thought he said? "What?"

Sam gulped and repeated "Move in with me?"

"Yes!" I shout in joy, Sam eyes lit up and with no more words to be spoke he kissed me and carried me to our bedroom.

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