Chapter 8: Seeing Him

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The day went by fast, I was introduce to a mother of two of the wolves and the imprints. Sue was sweet and kind it was sad to hear about her husband death and that her children phased due to the fact, it was her daughter who became the first female to phase without Evan's blood in her. Then there was Kim, she was a rather quite person, beautiful too, enjoys reading and doing homework. At least we all know Jared won't be failing school, I bet she has him studying.

Also along with them was Rachel she's became like a sister to me, and has offered to take me shopping for a girls day out and help me out if I ever need to talk to someone. Along with Sue was Claire, she was her niece and the imprint of Quil, that little girl was adorable. I bet she has Quil wrapped around her finger, she is defiantly going to be a heart breaker when she's older; I doubt her wolf will let any lads near her.

We were driving to the beach with the food, it been an interesting day if I say so myself. I've learned some thing about my imprint and he's definitely right for me. I was certainly happy when the girls said my man has never had a girlfriend or lovers, sure he has kissed someone but so have I. But it's great, I get to experience my first time with another first timer, at least I know he won't judge me or anything cause he hasn't been with anyone else. It's really put my wolf at ease that for sure, now all I have to do is wait for him to arrive.

Once we parked up, me and the girls picked up the food and walk to a table and placed then down, Sue set up the barbecue to cook the burger, chicken and sausages.

"Do you need any help?" I asked her.

"No I'm fine sweetie, why don't you go meet everyone?" She says pointing t the end of the beach where a group of boys were making they way over; in taking a sharp breath I smiled at Sue before heading to the group. This is it, I'm seeing my imprint. As I got closer I scanned the group to notice he wasn't there, didn't he want to meet me?

"Hey guys" I piped in making myself noticed, the lads turn to me and smiled "I'm Jessica Evan's the guardian wolf that Billy told you about"

"Really" A excited young boy shouts, he steps forward looking into my eyes "Hey, I'm Seth"

"Nice to meet you Seth, your adorable, your imprint is going to one lucky girl, when you find her" His smile grew wide, he then pulled me into a hug.

"I would move away if I was you bud" Paul, Rachel imprinter says.

"Why?" He asked pulling away confused, Paul didn't reply only nod behind me. A look of confusion filled my face. I turned around only to come in contact with a nicely toned chest. My eyes travel over it and to his eyes, my imprint eyes.

"Hello Jess" His deep voice echoed in my ears sending a millions shivers down my spine.

"Sam" I breathed out, my god he was hot! even more then the visions. Not wasting anytime Sam pulled me into a hug and inhaled my scent. The sound of a purr erupted from his throat making the others chuckle, which earned a warning growl from me. The pack scurried away leaving me alone with my one true love.

"I'm glad to finally meet you Jess, your so beautiful" He says scanning over me with a lustful look in his eyes.

"I've waited months to be with you Sam and your just perfect to me" I admitted with a blush, embarrassed I bowed my head, I felt his fingers under my chin making look at him. I stared deeply into those dark brown eyes of his as he did to me, he leaned in and in a matter of moments connected our lips.

Sparks flew and fireworks exploded, here I was kissing my imprint with such love and tender. I couldn't wait to spend my life with him. We pulled back out of breath, he rested him head on mine, staring at me. A smile appeared and a chuckle escaped his lips.

"I wanted to do that since last night" He says breathless, before lowing his head to my ear "Your MINE, you don't belong to anyone else but ME" The work made me shiver, I didn't want or need anyone else.

He is my everything.

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