Chapter 20: Screams Of Pain

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Sam's POV

Jacob was dragging me out of the room so that the doc could work on my imprint, I whimpered in pain; at the moment I could feel pull of the imprint telling me to go in there and protect her no matter what. I knew if I did then she wouldn't be treated right, I would be in the way.

"You can come back once I am finished Sam" I heard Cullen speak, I paused a moment looking back at the closed down, before I was pushed out the house. I was greeted by the pack; they were all huddled together with a sorrow look on their faces. I felt a hand on my arm, I turn to see Billy looking up at me, tears formed in his eyes; he thought Jessy as a daughter and to find out what had happened had to be heart breaking for him.

"She will be fine" Billy spoke up, I don't know who he was trying to reassure me or himself "I've rang her parents, Paul's gone to pick them up, they were both out for dinner" he sighed "I don't think they be in any condition to drive" I nod in agreement.

Well it looks like I am going to meet the parents, even if it wasn't the way we wanted it to happen.

AHHHHHH!!! I flinch as did the rest of the pack, a whine left my mouth; my whole body shook, my imprint is hurt, I couldn't protect her..... I'm a worthless mate, she could do so much better them me "Dude calm it!" Jacob yells lowly to me, I didn't listen and continue to shake.


I growled, my bones began to break; no one would stop me.... I was the Alpha.




She screamed again, my breathing picked up, she was alone in pain with a vampire.


"SAMUEL CALM DOWN" Someone roared, in a instant my shaking stopped and breathing became normal; well almost normal. I look in the direction of the voice to see Paul and a man and women.... Jessy parents. Her father stepped towards me and place his hand on my shoulder "She wouldn't want you to be like this" He says staring right in to my eyes; almost searching for something deep within me.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled, Jessy mother stepped forward; her eyes red and puffy from crying.

"What ever for sweetie?"

"For not protecting her" I look to the ground ashamed of failing my imprint.

"It's not your fault mate, she would have had no control over her body" He explained "A pack mate was in trouble" I saw someone flinch to the side, I turn my head to see Leah, her eyes full of tears as well.

"It was my fault, I thought I could take one of the vampire on" She sniffed a little "Jake pushed me out of the way but before the vampire could hurt him Jessica knocked him down and took the hit"

Jessica's parent nod understanding what their daughter had done.


Jessica's mother cried out at the sound of her daughter in pain, before her husband could react, I pulled the sobbing women into my arms. Tears made there way down my face as I held her "my poor baby girl" she croaked. My whole body stiffen at the sound of footsteps coming down the hall, the door opened and the doctor Cullen exited.

"She's all done" My heart picked up, she was going to be fine, still in pain but fine.

"Thank you" The whole pack look at me in shock, he nods and walks pass us all but pauses a moment in front of me.

"She's asking for you" Was all he said before leaving. I look at her parents, they should be the ones to see her first.

Her father shook his head "Go on" He says "She needs you to help recover"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course sweetie" She says pulling away from my hug "Go to her"

"Thank you..." I paused in sentence; I still don't know there names.

"Liam and Karen" He held his hand out for me to shake; which I took.

"Nice to meet you both" I smiled at them before rushing in Billy's house to my imprint.

"Hey" She croaked out, I ran over to the side, my hand went to her face, she was covered in sweat but still looked beautiful as ever to me. My fingers found there way into her hair and began to gently stroke her.

"Hey baby" I leaned forward placing a little kiss upon her lips, I tasted a hint of blood, she must of tried to conceal her screams for the packs benefit "You are so brave" I whispered softly to her.

"I love you" She spoke up, her eyes filled with tears, she moved a little making room for me to lay with her.

"Hey, stop" I sternly say to her.

"Please, lay with me" She asked.

"Anything for you baby" I slowly and gently crawled into bed with her, she immediately snuggled into me "I love you to Jessy" I heard her heart slow down indicating she was asleep; I turn to the lamp beside me and turned it off then pulled my imprint closer to me and slowly fell asleep, knowing she was safe in my arms.

Guardian Wolf (Sam Uley LS)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن