Chapter 32: Telling The Pack

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I caught up to my imprint and brother, I nudged Sam's side with my head before going over to Jacob and giving him a nudge "Are you okay now Jake?" I softly asked him.

Jake shook his head and dug his claws into the ground "I don't think I will be alright until that bitch is gone" A ground rumbled through his chest and escaped out of his mouth.

"Don't worry about that Jake" I told him giving him another nudge "The Cullen's are leaving" Jake and Sam look at me in surprise.

"Really?" They both asked with wide eyes.

I nod my head "Yeah" was all I said before running in the direction of the house "Let's get home and I'll tell you with the pack"

With silence between the three off us, we made it home in no time. I tilt my head back and howled for a pack member. I watched the door burst open and Maddison rushes out of the house, heading towards me, I felt her small arms wrap around me "Please don't ever run off again" She whimpered.

My eyes clouded and I let out a whine, I gently rubbed my head against her "I love you Jessy" She says pressing a kiss on my head.

I barked and wagged my tail "I'll take that as I love you back" She giggles out.

"Maddy" Jake breaths out, I watch my cousin's smile widen and her eyes lit up as she turn to look her imprinter. She jumps up and runs straight into Jake's open arms.

"Here" I hear someone say. It was only then did I realize Leah and the boys were outside looking at me with small smile. I nod my head at Leah and took the clothes in my mouth then went behind a bush to change. I let out a breath once I was human and straightened out my clothes.

"The Cullen's are leaving!" The whole pack spoke at once, making me and Maddy giggle, I nod my head with a bright smile upon my face.

"Come on" I walked passed the guys "We will talk in the house" One by one the boys, Leah and Maddison followed me into the house and scattered themselves across the living room floor and sofa.

I clear my throat and began the tale "I told the Cullen's that they had to leave. That they were no longer welcome in Forks and that the land was now ours"

The pack and Maddy looked at me in shock "But the treaty?" Seth piped in.

"I don't care about the treaty" I growled out "It doesn't matter I mean Bella may not be a vampire but she still is a Cullen and she threatened a pack member" I slowly intake a breath "Me and my wolf wouldn't settle with them around, I would be always on guard"

"How did you get them to agree?" Paul asked, his eyebrow raised.

"She was so angry" Jacob says, shaking his head a little chuckle came out of his mouth.

"Tell me about it" Sam growled a little "She phased by and stood naked in front of everyone just to have a word with Bella" I blushed and look down to the ground, my fingers found there way into my hair.

"Bad ass" Paul beams, making the pack laugh.

"How many days do they have?" Leah asked the question everyone wanted to know.

"The leader leech said they would be gone at the end of the week" I told them, the pack look a bit on edge, a lot could happen in a week "However" I started, gaining there attention "I told them they had a couple of hours and that I don't give second chances"

The pack whoop and cheered "Wait a go Jess" most of the pack screamed and I also received a few hugs.

"Was that for me?" Maddison tiny voice caught my ears, I turn around to see my beautiful cousin staring at me with teary eyes.

"Yeah" I croaked out "No one harms my cousin or more like sister and gets away with it" I pull her into my arms and buried my face into her hair, breathing in her scent.... My wolf side knew she was safe and smelling her calm her fully down "And I don't regret it" I whisper softly.

"Thank you" I nod as she moves from me and heads over to Jacob.

I felt arms wrap around my waist "Your amazing do you know that?" Sam whispered in my ear, making me groan.

"How can I not" I stuttered out "My amazing imprinter/imprint tells me every chance he gets" I move myself so I was facing him.

"I could never lie to you baby" He leans forward, his breath became heavy the closer he got; as did mine. Sam looks upon me with love and lust in his doe brown eyes "I love you Jessica"

"I love you too Sammy" I told him and then collided my lips on to his. Time stopped as it deepens, my heart beat faster, if felt like there was only me and Sam in the room, the pack were long forgotten.

Just me and him the way it's meant to be.

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