Chapter 9: Bonfire

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We both walked over to the log that was closer to the fire and sat down, I felt his warm gentle arms pick me up and place me on his lap "Much better" he whispers in my ear, my body violently shook in pleasure making my wolf purr in delight at the actions of my mate. So long have we waited for him and he's more then I could ever hope for. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Hm, really better" I muttered in agreement, snuggling into his chest. I could feel the eyes of the other, staring holes in the back of my heads.

"Finally found her bud?" Billy wheeled up to us. Sam stared at me with such love and care in his eyes.

"Yes, I have and I couldn't be happier." He leans in and gives me a peck on the lips "She's perfect" I swear my cheek were like a tomato, I buried my head in to his neck hoping to hide it, but of course he had already seen. "Don't hide beautiful, it makes me happy knowing that I can make you blush the way you do" He purred softly in my ear causing me to blush harder if possible.

"I'm glad your both happy and not rejecting each other" I wouldn't know what to do if Sam did such thing, I think it would be the end of my life. A wolf can not live without their other half "Your both a match made in heaven" He commented with a wide grin.

"Thank you Billy" We both replied.

"Look at them already speaking together, next thing you know they will be finishing each others sentences" One of the boys spoke up, me and Sam gave out a laugh.

"Boys introduce yourselves if you please" Sam says.

"Quil" So he's the one that imprinted on the child.

"Jared" He's Kim's imprinter.

"Seth" The adorable boy who hug me and made Sam a bit pissed.

"You met me this morning" Paul says with a small smile, not too sure if it was a real smile or not. He comes off like the kind of person that doesn't smile a lot and has a bad temper.

"Yes, I did your Paul" I smiled at him.

"Embry" the boy who made the comment "I'm Sam's half brother" I was shocked by that information, looking between them I just couldn't see the resemblance.

"And then there is Jacob, who you know already and my sister Leah, she's should be here soon. She's just finishing up patrol" Seth says, I nod my head understanding.

"Foods ready" Sue called out, the boys raced over to the food table. Me and Sam chuckled at their actions, I went to stand up to head for the table but Sam tightened his grip.

"I'll get your food for you love" He whispered sweetly to me "Any special requests?"

"Hmm" I replied with a thinking look on my face "You" placing a kiss on his cheek "But I guess, I'll have to settle for some burgers and chicken" I place a short kiss on his lips before standing up "Thank you baby" Sam just nodded still in a daze from my flirting and kisses, he stands and walks to the table for our food. What a sweet imprint, I'm so in love already and I haven't even know him 48hours.

"Who are you?" A voice snapped from behind me, making me jump. I look to see a tanned, short hair but beautiful women.

"Hey, I'm Jessica"

"Um, Leah"

"Here babe" Sam says handing me a plate of two cheese burgers and three chicken legs with tomato sauce, I gave him a smile and a another thank you kiss on the cheek.

"Babe?" Leah questioned with a dark look in her eyes.

"Yep. Leah this is my imprint Jessica, she's the guardian wolf that is visiting here to find her imprint and she did through me" He gazed lovingly in my direction.

"Oh, well I'm happy for you" with a fake smile then she left us alone. I turn to look at Sam all confused at her sudden change in behavior.

"She has been crushing on me for years and always hoped I would imprint on her but I'm so glad I didn't, cause then I wouldn't have you" He look where Leah had walked off to "Plus she can be a right moody bitch" shaking his head he turns and faces me "Don't think I could deal with that" he laughs a little before tucking into his food. I turn to look at Leah and see her glaring daggers at me. I sighed sadly, I had hoped I wouldn't have any trouble in joining the pack and stepping up in taking on my duties but that she - wolf is going to cause big problems, I just know it.

After finishing our food, Sam cleared our plates before coming back to me and pulled me back on his lap "During every bonfire we tell the stories of our tribe" Billy addressed us "But today I was informed that something wonderful had happened for two people and our tribe" Billy smiles over at us "Yesterday night during a run, your alpha Sam had imprinted on dear Jessica" He turns his attention to the group "Jessica is from a special bloodline, every ten years a female from that bloodline shifts into a pure white wolf. She is given a duty of being a guardian wolf.

These duties include:

One: To control her shift and know different ways of taking out vampire and their weaknesses.
Two: She then had to travel tribe to tribe to find her imprint.
Three: Once found it is her duty to protect the tribe with the other wolves, as well as keeping her pack mates and imprint safe"

Billy turns his attention to Sam and me "So many duties to commit to but the time I've spent with the young lady, I know you will make the tribe safe and sound" Sue walks over with a cake saying 'welcome to the family' "Jessica Evans, welcome to the La Push pack and we hope you and Sam will be forever happy" The group cheered in happiness apart from Leah, tears appeared in my eyes. One managed to escaped my eye which Sam wiped away.

"Don't cry beautiful"

"These are happy tears, I'm happy to finally settle down in one place, with the man of my dreams" Sam strokes my cheek, leans down and places a firm on my lips showing that I am his to the other wolves.

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