Chapter 5: Midnight Run

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I've been settled in for hours now and I have to admit I love it here. All I have to do now is hope that my Imprint is here so I can stay. I know my mum and dad would love to be here. Oh how I miss them, I spent the last couple of hours unpacking and talking with Billy and Jacob. That boy knew how to ask questions, some I couldn't answer but I did my best.

As a thank you for letting me stay I decided to make dinner for them both, however that was proven difficult as they hardly had any food in, so I made a mental note to food shopping once I knew my way around La Push. Which couldn't be too hard like, it's a small but cozy place. We all seated ourselves of the dinner table and enjoyed a plate full of pasta and hot dogs, sounds awful but it was rather lovely. Even the boys agreed with me, I promised I would make them a better meal once I've been shopping, Jacob insisted to join me on my trip, I just had to plan what day and time we would go.

"We could go the day after the bonfire" I told him with a mouthful of pasta, not very lady like but what you going to do, I'm a hungry, energetic wolf, who doesn't put weight on no matter how much I eat.

"Sounds like a plan" He smiled up at me before turning his attention to his food, Billy chuckled making my head snap up.

"What?" We both asked, Jacob spat some food out his mouth when he spoke, making me scowl at him.

"Jacob!" I warned, he sheepishly looks to me with a sorry smile. I may eat like a pig but I don't spit it out, that just gross.

"Sorry Momma wolf" He sarcastically says with a eye roll, earning a laugh once again from Billy.

"I think you may be in luck dear Jessica" Billy mumbled before rolling away "Thanks for the food" I stared at the spot he had wheeled to in confusion.

"Why am I in luck?" I asked with an eyebrow raised in curiosity. Jacob shrugged his shoulder but his eyes held mischief, finishing his plate he placed it in the sink.

"I have no clue, anyway I'm off to bed. It was lovely to finally meet you Jessy, you've only been here a couple of hours and you feel like my sister already" He says walking over placing a brotherly kiss on my forehead "Sleep tight" he leaves me with a grin on my face, I'm so glad they like me, if the others are like them, then I will have no problem feeling right at home. Once I finished my food I placed the plate in the sink, making a mental note to clean them in the morning right now I had to go see Billy.

I wandered into the living room to see Billy watching fishing "Billy would it be alright if I go a run?" I asked nervously playing with the ends of my t shirt "My wolf needs a run"

"That's fine by me sweetheart, just watch out for the wolves patrolling" He says looking over at me with a smile "Oh and make sure you don't cross the river"

I nodded remembering the treaty they have with the Cullen's, I find that weird but anything to live in peace right. "Thank you. I'll come back through my bedroom window" I walked over to the man and kissed his cheek "Sweet dreams Billy" I smiled widely and excitedly raced out the back and straight for the woods. I striped my clothes off and shifted into my pure white furred wolf and took off not really looking where I was going but kept my eyes appealed for the river and even a threat to the tribe.

I sniffed the air smelling the scent of a another wolf close by, a branched snapped making me freeze, knowing the wolf was making it's self known. My gaze fell upon a pure black paw then body, he was the same size as me, I allowed my eyes to gaze of his head and finally the wolf deep brown eyes.

It was in that moment I froze in my spot as did the black wolf.

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