Chapter 26: Terror

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Hearing the name, a tear rolled down my face. My brother was right. It was far from over. Paco had just began his rain of terror over my life. He was still laughing.

"You were a hard girl to track down," He said clearing his throat, "Never would've guessed that they'd send you to Paris." I didn't say anything to him. He looks me over again, smiling as if he has received a trophy. I was his trophy.

"How is Brandon?" He asks, smiling. I couldn't help but look up to him when I heard him say my brother's name. He gets quiet as if he was really wanting to know.

"Well? You can tell me. I know that you went to see him. I know what he said to you," he says in a concern voice.

"He warned me of you," I mumbled.

"Mhm, Okay. Well you didn't take that warning seriously did you? And that's why you're here, correct?" He says with his daring eyes looking straight through me. I looked towards the ground, but he shortly lifts my head up gently with his hand.

"Remember what that blonde kid said? He was right too," He whispers. He held my head up high with one hand. In a quick second, he brought down his other hand and slapped me hard. My whole head went off to my side. It stung as if a thousand bees had attacked my face. Another tear slipped down my face.

"It's your fault he's dead! It's your fault your brother is almost dead!" He screams at the top of his lungs at me, spitting in my face at the same time. He slung his stool across the room. He walked away from me as if he was recollecting himself. He was angered very easily.

When I had started gaining feeling back in my face, he walked over to me again. He ran his fingers lightly across my face and neck.

"I've been waiting for this for a long time Ashley," he says, "No one can save you from this. You've had it coming for a while."

"I'm sorry," I mumble.

"SORRY?!" He screams, "You can't just be sorry Ashley. You're going to die today, but how I decide to do it depends all on you sweetheart."

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