Chapter 11: Breaking News

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A few weeks have passed since Ashley had been killed. I just can't help but think about how she must've felt on the run. She was a fugitive that had no legs to run. A beautiful girl, gone. Another life  wasted at the hand of Paco, at the hands of us.

I slowly pull out of my driveway and drive towards the warehouse. Paco called me about five minutes ago and told me to come as quickly as I could. He sounded pissed about something.

I arrive and hop out the car. The usual is going on. Some of the goons are in the corner, smoking. Jared sits on the couch with his computer, he barely notices me. I make my way to Paco's door and before I could knock, he tells me to come in. Paco is sitting there, leaned over his desk and hands on his face.

"She's alive," Paco mumbles, his hands from his face. I take a seat in front of him.

"Who?" I ask.

"Ashley. She's still alive. She survived. Zack only made things more complicated," He yells, throwing down his ashtray on the ground. I've seen Paco mad before, to the point of where he's shot someone on spot. Never like this though.

"What now?" I ask. He looks up at me with piercing eyes.

"We can't let this get out," he walks toward his desk again. He looked around for a moment then opened up his top drawer. He pulled out his gun and stuck it in his jacket. He looked over at me.

"Let's go pay Zack a visit."

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