Chapter 2: Death Sentence

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We sit in silence as we drive over to our designation. Paco sits in the passenger seat while I drive, staring patiently out the window. I glance over at him. He always has the calmest face, which makes it incredibly difficult to read his facial expressions.

"You got your gun?" I ask quietly.

"Yeah." He mumbled. He continued to stare. The car was so silent, I could've counted his breaths if I wanted to.

After around four minutes, he lets out a soft sigh. "Where are the others?"

"Two cars behind us. Five guys, all are armed," I mumble, "Who are we meeting?"

"Brandon said he sent his sister," he said while looking at me.

"His sister? He must really have no one else. Keep your hands to yourself," I say.

"I'll try," He laughed. A few minutes later, we pull up to the back of some Mexican restaurant, our goons behind us. After 10 minutes of waiting, Paco starts getting a temper.

"Where the fuck is she?" He practically yelled. Without giving me a chance to answer back, he gets out of the car and slams the door. I hop out quickly and follow the goons inside after Paco. As we enter, we see Paco trying to kick open an oven that won't budge. I push the goons out of my way and walk over to him.

"That bitch isn't even here, and they're on." He yells in anger. In a split second Paco pulls out a gun and fires at one of the locks on the oven. The lock flies off and as he opens the oven, smoke flies into the room. We pull our shirt to our noses as the burnt marijuana fills the air. Paco then storms out the back towards the car and into the passenger seat as I follow him out with the rest of the goons. The neighboring gang must've found out where we hid the stash and sabotaged the ovens.

I turn on the engine, Paco stares sternly towards the restaurant.

"Do you know how much money we've just lost? Ten grand." mumbles Paco. The veins on his forehead bulged out as he kept his glare at the abandoned restaurant.

"Now what?" I ask.

"I'm going to make Brandon's life hell in there. More than it already is." He says sternly.

"Yeah, that's acceptable." I mutter. I look back to reverse the vehicle out of the parking lot. Won't be long until authorities make their way over here. I only glance at his face for a split second but I can see how red it is. 

As I back out of the old parking lot, I hear him mumble softly to himself, "I'm going to kill her."

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