Chapter 5: A Practical Stalker

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The next day, I got off the bus and walked into school. I couldn't get Brandon out of my head. He's all I could think about during my first two classes. After the dismissal bell rang, I made my way towards my locker.

A few feet from it, I noticed my lock was broken and my locker was barely open. I looked both ways down the hallway to see if anyone was playing a joke on me.

I opened it up slowly, only to find a white envelope sitting on top of my binders. On the front read, "To My Dearest Ashley". I knew this had to be a prank. I turned it around and ripped it open. I kept a straight face so my prankers wouldn't get a reaction from me.

But I wasn't able to keep a straight face for long. The first thing was a note in it that read "Your brother is almost dead, you're next." 

Wide-eyed, I picked up the rest of the contents. There was pictures of me sleeping the night before in my bed.

Someone was in my house. Someone knows where I live. Someone was there while I was completely vulnerable. 

On the back of the last picture, it said "I know everything."


I made no hesitation to run to my parents and show them. I was balling tears and we rushed to the police station.

"Well, there's not much we can do about this since we don't know who it is," states one of the officers.

"You've got to be kidding! Someone was in my little girl's bedroom while she was asleep. She could have been hurt." shouts my father. The officers stand in silence.

"There's someone out there after my son and daughter. We need to keep them safe somehow." pleads my mother.

The taller officer looks at me and asks, "Did either you or your brother provoke someone?"

"No," I lied.

"Okay, well what we're going to do is put you in a witness protection program type of deal. Your brother will be put in solitary confinement. Okay?" asks the shorter officer.

We all nodded in agreement. For the next few hours, we spent it in the police station signing papers and giving information. They were sending me to Paris for a few weeks so they can try and straighten everything out and catch who was doing it all. They gave me a fake ID and told me that I was going to be a tourist named Emma. My mother would work as a maid at the hotel that we would be staying at with constant police supervisions. We were scheduled to take a plane in the morning.

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