Chapter 16: The Eyes of My Killer

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It's a Monday. It's the Monday I finally get to go back to school. I've been waiting for, what seems like, forever. I almost cry of happiness while I get dressed. I never thought I would ever be this excited about going to school on a Monday. I walk slowly downstairs to my mother and father who sit patiently at the breakfast table. They stand as I finally make my way over to them. I'm embraced with a hug from them both. The hug itself was tighter than usual and re-ensuring.

"Everything is better now," whispers my dad. I smile lightly in response. They remind me to take it easy and that my wounds aren't completely healed. I grab a cereal bar as I make my way towards the bus stop. After a few minutes, the bus pulls up and I climb up the stairs. I can feel eyes on me, both from the high schoolers and the middle schoolers. It feels a little bit more different knowing that everyone is well aware of who I am and what had happened. As I walk down the aisle, I find an empty seat in front of a boy I've never seen before. I guess I'm not the only one having to adjust to something new.

After the ten minute bus ride, I put one of my book bag straps on my shoulder, but I quickly sling it off. I let out a quiet whine as I rub my shoulder. I keep forgetting. I climbed down the bus steps and slowly walk towards my school. Looking around, I see hundreds of eyes looking back at me. Walking inside, I'm greeted by the principal who gives me a lecture about how everyone is so thankful to have me back, but I hardly pay attention. He leads me to my new locker. They had replaced the old one and moved me away from it. As I open up my locker, I stare into its emptiness, but someone interrupts me.

"Excuse me," said a male voice behind me. I turn around to a guy standing behind me waiting to get around me to his locker next door.

"Sorry," I mutter. He gives me a soft smile in return and continues to open his locker. I barely glance over at him and realize he's the new kid who sat behind me on the bus. Now, I'm able to get a better look at him. His dark brown hair is pushed back in a cool matter. His light brown eyes look over his new binders in his locker. He keeps the same determined face. He looks over me, smiling and barely showing his shiny white teeth. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to stare," I apologized.

"It's fine," he chuckles, " I didn't expect anything else for the first day, being a new kid and all." I can see that we're both having the same experienced because my day has been nothing but that so far. The warning bell sounds off above us. I turn around and begin walking away to my classroom, leaving him to his locker.

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