Chapter 21: Bait

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It's finally Saturday. The day I finally get to hang out with some friends and get my life back. It's been a lot for everyone.

Hey, you ready?

I get a text from April. I start to shake from excitement as I tell her yes.

On my way :)

I frantically get my shoes on as she pulls up in my driveway. We greet each other with a friendly smile. I slide into the back seat with two other girls I barely recognize. 

"Your parents okay with this? Going to the mall and everything?" April asks as we back out of my driveway.

"Yeah, they were pretty happy when I asked. I just have to be home by five," I reply back. As I sit back a little, my phone starts to vibrate. 

On my way

John texted. I get this little tickle in my belly as I think about how April is going to react to her surprise prom invite.

"Oh! Who's the boy?" asks the girl to my right.

"Alexis!" laughs April.

"Oh, it's no one," I say smiling.

"Really? Is that why you're blushing Ashley?" giggles Alexis, "Jae look!"

The girl on my left, Jae, looks over at me from her phone and smiles widely. I keep my phone hidden from them the rest of the way to the mall. As we get close to the mall, I text John "Where do you want me to bring them?"

While we're getting out of the car, he texts back, "Outside of JcPenny's. Make sure you tell them to stay there when you come outside."

"Tell me when!" I text back as we head into the mall. I guide them towards JcPenny's. We sit down on a bench as they talk about random girl stuff. I focus more on my phone, waiting for my cue. After a few minutes, I get another text message from him,"Meet me outside now. I'm driving a red convertible mustang"

I reply back and tell the girls to stay put and that I had a surprise for them. As I walk outside the doors, I get one last text from him.

"This is gonna be great"

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