chapter 74

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I was sitting on the couch next to Rai and reading a book. The afternoon was ours alone like at every possible day and the silence was comfortable. Its not every day like it was a long time ago in the mansion, but its enough.
Even though I was all into the book I was reading, I noticed Rai's eyes were soon closed. Every now and then I would let out a chuckle, laugh, or gasp for the book I was into.

Mei: Ah.

I bookmarked the book and sat it down on the coffee table, standing up.

Mei: I'm going to make some more tea. Do you want some?

He gave me a quiet nod before I disappeared in the kitchen to make tea.

I wonder if by now Raizel knows how to make tea himself?

Being in Rai's company all the time, I end up finding myself drinking tea as well. I'm not a big fan of it, but I always make myself a cup as well.
Walking back, I didn't realize that the window was open, but I didn't pay much attention to it either as it didn't bother me too much. Or so I thought.....

The first time wind blew and flipped my pages, I let out a quiet huff, but continued.
Some time in silence passed before it happened again.
I frowned and looked towards the window only to realize it was open. Narrowing my eyebrows, I didn't want to bother to stand up and close it, since It felt good to let some fresh air in. Shaking my head, I look back at the book and continue reading.
I was getting so in to the book and enjoying it, and then it happened once again. It was frustrating me.
I stood up and walked over to the window to close it. But the I noticed that there was no wind. It was a perfectly warm day.
I glanced over to Raizel, who was watching me in curiosity, I closed the window without a thought.
Walking back to the couch, I sat down and continued reading. But I started paying more attention to my surroundings. I can say it was a bit difficult, because I really wanted to read the book, and looking at the words make me want to continue.
But then I noticed out the corner of my eye, Rai raised his finger, a mere inch, and this time I looked straight at him.

Mei: I knew it.

I tried to sound angry, but failed.
A more sincere smile spread on Rai's lips as I pouted.

Mei: it isn't funny.

I huffed and closed the book, placing it on the table.

Mei: if you wanted to do something else, you should have just said so. You know I get frustrated when I'm interrupted during my reading-

Rai's hands came up to my face and went through my hair, revealing both my green and red eyes.

It was unusual for him to do something like this, but I let him. After all, the unusualness was what pulled me close to him.

His scarlet eyes looked into mines as he lowered his hand and caresses my cheek.

Mei: Rai?

I tilted my head to the side in confusion.

Raizel: you look beautiful today.

I'm pretty sure my cheeks had turned a deep red. I could feel the heat flowing into them.

Mei: H-Huh?...just today? I would think I look beautiful every day, heh heh...

Raizel: you do...I just wanted to let you know.

His lips were so close. I could feel his breath on my lips and it tempted me.
And just as I moved closer, I stopped midway when I heard those three words.

Raizel: I love you.

Mei: .......I love you too.

And I knew we both meant those words.

Cadis Etrama Di Mei: Noblesse's Wife (Noblesse Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now