Chapter 48

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Mei: ....where are we going rai?

Raizel: ....

Rai had taken me somewhere out of town.
It was pretty far out. I was not sure where he was taking me. He just took me by the hand and started dragging me out to who-knows-where.
I kept asking but he wouldn't answer me.

Mei: come on Rai, tell me where we are.....You know how impatient I am.

Raizel: .....

Then we came upon this beautiful place, where practically the whole land was covered by varieties of different types of flowers. It was practically an endless amount of them.
I had never seen nor noticed this place before.
Did this place grow like this over time?

Mei: ....where...are we?

Raizel: Frankenstein said to bring you here if you ever felt sad or needed to calm yourself. It is a space he made just for you....

Mei: just for me...? ....he did all this...just for me?

Raizel: ....

Mei: ....haha...hahaha. Franky is the best...he goes through so much trouble just for us, it's ridiculous.....I'm guessing he put a variety of them out here, because I like all types of flowers....I do like it though. There are even spider lillies here. It's gives me a sense of deja vu.

Raizel: ....

Mei: I was a long time ago. Back when I first got you to come outside with me in Lukedonia....but you stood under a tree the whole time.....

Raizel: watching you was pleasant enough. The scene looked like it could have been a painting.

Mei: ....

Raizel then turned and was about to leave.

Mei: where are you going?

Raizel: ...this is your space to be calm, I don't want to interrupt...

Mei: please stay. I don't want to be alone out here. My space wouldn't be fun without you.

Raizel: ....

Mei: ...come on, help me find and pick out some red and white roses.
After I gather some of the red roses and rai got the white roses, we sat in the field while I turned them into flower crowns.

Mei: done.

I reached up and placed the red flower crown on his head and I put on the white crown.

Mei: heehee...they suit you well, rai.

I looked at him, meeting his red eyes.
He reached out and moved back my hairs to reveal my green eye.

Mei: ...why are you always looking at my eye?

He smiles at me.

Raizel: I've never seen such colors in a woman's eyes.
your eyes are very beautiful...

Mei: ...Thank you.

Rai touched the skin of my cheek, caressing my face with a gentle hand. He draws his finger over my lips.
He leans in to kiss me. Just his lips on mine, touching slowly, softly, over and over.

Oh, how I wish I could be kissed by him forever.

I pressed my forehead against his and we dissolve into giggles like children.

Raizel: are you okay now?

Mei: ....Yes.

I grab his face a kiss him again, burying my hands in his silky hair. He pulls me into his lap, cradling me. I think he was going to kiss me again but he simply looks at me with loving tenderness.

Mei:'re going to spoil me terribly, aren't you?

He just grins.

Raizel: I intend to spoil you often.

He leans forward to kiss me, long, deep and slow, and I feel the promise of so many more to come.

Mei: I love you...

Raizel: let me show you how much I love you.

Author-Chan: sorry if this chapter is short. I didn't want to reveal too much of the story just yet.

Thanks for the support readers. You guys are amazing!!!!

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